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Further Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

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Q.1 in the US the number of people infected with HIV virus in 1985 was 1,000 and in 1995 that number became 350,000. if the increase in the number is linear, write an equation that will give the number of people infected in any year since 1980. if this trend continues, what will the number be in 2010?
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What websites/textbooks do you guys use to prepare FM? I want to learn the subject in a year, without support from my school.
Any websites, notes etc. would come in handy.
How possible is it to prepare it in a year?
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Re: The Further Maths Thread



"If the roots of the equation x^4 - px^3 + qx^2 - pq x + 1 = 0 are α, ß, Γ and delta(D) show that:
( α + ß + Γ) ( α + ß + D) ( α + Γ + D) ( ß + Γ + D) = 1"

You can observe that, in the product "( α + ß + Γ) ( α + ß + D) ( α + Γ + D) ( ß + Γ + D)," each of the expression consisting of the sum of the roots of the equation "x^4 - px^3 + qx^2 - pq x + 1 = 0" forms a pattern.
Let's represent the sum "α + ß + Γ + D" by "S" to try to simplify the hairy product.

Then, ( α + ß + Γ) ( α + ß + D) ( α + Γ + D) ( ß + Γ + D) = ( S - D ) ( S - Γ ) ( S - ß ) ( S - α )
= S^4 - DS^3 - ΓS^3 + ΓDS^2 - ßS^3 + ßDS^2 + ßΓS^2 - ßΓDS - αS^3
+ αDS^2 + αΓS^2 - αΓDS + αßS^2 - αßDS - αßΓS + αßΓD
= S^4 - ( α + ß + Γ + D )*S^3 + ( αß + ßΓ + ΓD + Dα + αΓ + ßD )*S^2
- ( αßΓ + ßΓD + ΓDα + αßD)*S + αßΓD
= S^4 - (∑ α)*S^3 + (∑ αß)*S^2 - (∑ αßΓ)*S + αßΓD

Now, from the equation "x^4 - px^3 + qx^2 - pq x + 1 = 0," ∑ α = p = S; ∑ αß = q; ∑ αßΓ = pq; αßΓD = 1

This leads to, ( α + ß + Γ) ( α + ß + D) ( α + Γ + D) ( ß + Γ + D) = p^4 - (p)*p^3 + (q)*p^2 - (pq)*p + 1
= p^4 - p^4 + q*p^2 - q*p^2 + 1
= 1

As regards the method used to find sums of powers of roots of polynomial equations, it's quite simple but requires a clever method. I'll demonstrate the method using a quadratic equation.

Consider the quadratic equation x^2 - 4x + 5 = 0 with roots α and β.

If you multiply the cubic equation with x^n, you get
Since both α and β satisfy this equation,
α^(n+2)-4α^(n+1)+5α^n=0 and
Adding these two equations, we have
∑α^(n+2) - 4 ∑α^(n+1) + 5∑α^n = 0

If you denote ∑α^n by S(n), then this becomes
S(n+2) - 4 S(n+1) + 5 S(n) = 0

We know that α + β = 4 and αβ=5.
So α^2 + β^2 = (α + β)^2 - 2αβ = 4^2 - 2*5 = 6

Putting n = 1, S(3) - 4 S(2) + 5 S(1)=0
We know that S(1) = 4 and S(2) = 6, so S(3) = 4*6 - 5*4=4

I guess you understand the method and can apply it to equations of higher order.

Hope that helps.....:)
Re: The Further Maths Thread

Oops...;p I guess I had allocated a misleading notation for the sum "α + ß + Γ + D." I should've used the symbol "S(1)" instead of just "S" to represent the sum, to avoid any type of confusion.

So, wherever I wrote "S," I indeed meant S(1). Accordingly, the product "( α + ß + Γ) ( α + ß + D) ( α + Γ + D) ( ß + Γ + D)" in the question lead to the expression "[S(1)]^4 - (∑ α)*[S(1)]^3 + (∑ αß)*[S(1)]^2 - (∑ αßΓ)*S(1) + αßΓD" upon simplification.

Then, from the equation "x^4 - px^3 + qx^2 - pq x + 1 = 0," ∑ α = p = S(1); ∑ αß = q; ∑ αßΓ = pq; αßΓD = 1

Leading to, ( α + ß + Γ) ( α + ß + D) ( α + Γ + D) ( ß + Γ + D) = [p]^4 - (p)*[p]^3 + (q)*[p]^2 - (pq)*p + 1
= p^4 - p^4 + q*p^2 - q*p^2 + 1
= 1

Note that none of S(2), S(3) or S(4) is involved in any of the expressions I wrote.

Hopin' I removed your confusion now....:)

To be honest, I don't know of any further maths book covering this "elegant & exceptionally-simple + shortcut" method. However, the past-papers are full of questions on it. Just have a look at some of the questions about polynomials there (along with the corresponding er's/ms's), and you'll master this method very soon....!
Hey can you help me .... i am unware from which books i should study Further Mathematics? wheni saw the past papers it was out of everything given in P1 & P3 books
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hii can anyone suggest me some Furthermaths book ? In the past papers there is not a single question related to p1 and p3

Get this http://www.amazon.com/Further-Pure-Mathematics-Brian-Gaulter/dp/0199147353
i used it but beware using these books urself is the recipe for disaster according to me ull get bogged down immediately as the explanation of examples like all maths books takes a lot of time and skill to understand so it wud be better if u get some teacher for it .
For mechanics i have no clue i had teachers and they just did all the theory and concepts and then we straightaway dived into past papers this technique worked really well in the end.
And to all those scaring the hell out of people giving or hoping to give FM eat up all your words because if the person giving FM does proper practice he can easily get an A* i did it myself so anyone feeling scared that theyll ruin their grades get motivated and start taking FM seriously it aint easy but if u can get the grade ure going to be popular in town :p :p ;)
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I have currently started my AS and is thinking for opting Further Maths privately in A2 without appearing for accelerated maths, do u think it will cause any issue without acc. maths???? my subject combination is maths, accounts, eco....... future career: CA
Hey there! As long as you do Further Maths after AS Maths you should be fine for almost every topic. Make sure you have a solid background on statistics (ie. go through the S1 and S2 textbooks). Mechanics can be done almost completely without previous knowledge. The reason for doing it after AS maths is that you do need a background on vectors, differentiation and integration.
Personally, I did P1 and S1 in year 12 and this year I'm doing P3 and S2 and Further Maths. I seriously recommend a private tutor (I have one), as no matter how smart you think you are there are very few textbooks (or none for that matter) for most topics on the Applied Modules, hence there are no resources.
From my experience, learn the theory for one of the points on the syllabus and then start doing past papers on that point until you're confident about it. Then move one to the next point. Statistics, if you have a solid background, can be done in under a month. Mechanics in 2 months, and Further Pure in 3 months.
You can go faster, but you need to give yourself time to assimilate all the new concepts and to do enough past papers. Also, you have other subjects to worry about.
Good luck!
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Hey there! As long as you do Further Maths after AS Maths you should be fine for almost every topic. Make sure you have a solid background on statistics (ie. go through the S1 and S2 textbooks). Mechanics can be done almost completely without previous knowledge. The reason for doing it after AS maths is that you do need a background on vectors, differentiation and integration.
Personally, I did P1 and S1 in year also 12 and this year I'm doing P3 and S2 and Further Maths. I seriously recommend a private tutor (I have one), as no matter how smart you think you are there are very few textbooks (or none for that matter) for most topics on the Applied Modules, hence there are no resources.
From my experience, learn the theory for one of the points on the syllabus and then start doing past papers on that point until you're confident about it. Then move one to the next point. Statistics, if you have a solid background, can be done in under a month. Mechanics in 2 months, and Further Pure in 3 months.
You can go faster, but you need to give yourself time to assimilate all the new concepts and to do enough past papers. Also, you have other subjects to worry about.
Good luck!
Listen, I am doing my AS level now and will finish it next month. I had taken Additional Maths in IGCSE and had got 97% so should I take Further Maths in A2?
In A2, I have Accounts (A level), Eco (A level), Maths (A level), Physics (AS level), English (AS level). So do i take Further Maths next year?
I am very much interested in Maths... Ua suggestion please...? :)
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Hey there! As long as you do Further Maths after AS Maths you should be fine for almost every topic. Make sure you have a solid background on statistics (ie. go through the S1 and S2 textbooks). Mechanics can be done almost completely without previous knowledge. The reason for doing it after AS maths is that you do need a background on vectors, differentiation and integration.
Personally, I did P1 and S1 in year 12 and this year I'm doing P3 and S2 and Further Maths. I seriously recommend a private tutor (I have one), as no matter how smart you think you are there are very few textbooks (or none for that matter) for most topics on the Applied Modules, hence there are no resources.
From my experience, learn the theory for one of the points on the syllabus and then start doing past papers on that point until you're confident about it. Then move one to the next point. Statistics, if you have a solid background, can be done in under a month. Mechanics in 2 months, and Further Pure in 3 months.
You can go faster, but you need to give yourself time to assimilate all the new concepts and to do enough past papers. Also, you have other subjects to worry about.
Good luck!
I am doing it without any tutor :cool:
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Listen, I am doing my AS level now and will finish it next month. I had taken Additional Maths in IGCSE and had got 97% so should I take Further Maths in A2?
In A2, I have Accounts (A level), Eco (A level), Maths (A level), Physics (AS level), English (AS level). So do i take Further Maths next year?
I am very much interested in Maths... Ua suggestion please...? :)
Interest is what you need. This is very less now a days specially for Math. I D K why most people chose bio thinking math is hard. :LOL:
Well, talking on your topic, you are fool to ask advice with this good qualifications in you. :ROFLMAO: Just kidding (my attitude :cool:) GO FOR IT...
Dont lose this interest. Its very challenging. :cry:
Have a look into past papers. :)
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Get this http://www.amazon.com/Further-Pure-Mathematics-Brian-Gaulter/dp/0199147353
i used it but beware using these books urself is the recipe for disaster according to me ull get bogged down immediately as the explanation of examples like all maths books takes a lot of time and skill to understand so it wud be better if u get some teacher for it .
For mechanics i have no clue i had teachers and they just did all the theory and concepts and then we straightaway dived into past papers this technique worked really well in the end.
And to all those scaring the hell out of people giving or hoping to give FM eat up all your words because if the person giving FM does proper practice he can easily get an A* i did it myself so anyone feeling scared that theyll ruin their grades get motivated and start taking FM seriously it aint easy but if u can get the grade ure going to be popular in town :p :p ;)
What if we fail? :(
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Interest is what you need. This is very less now a days specially for Math. I D K why most people chose bio thinking math is hard. :LOL:
Well, talking on your topic, you are fool to ask advice with this good qualifications in you. :ROFLMAO: Just kidding (my attitude :cool:) GO FOR IT...
Dont lose this interest. Its very challenging. :cry:
Have a look into past papers. :)
Okay... Thank you so much.. :)
And will it be too hectic for me to study 6 subjects in the next year (depending on FM)
I mean how many hours we need to practice to be perfect in FM??
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A) Horizontal asymptotes
A function f(x) has a horizontal asymptote of value y = a
if the limit of f(x) as x tends to plus infinity is a.
A function f(x) has a horizontal asymptote of value y = b
if the limit of f(x) as x tends to minus infinity is b.

B) Vertical asymptotes
A function f(x) has a vertical asymptote at x = a
if the limit of f(x) as x tends to a, is plus or minus infinity
(That also applies to a+ or a-)
Vertical asymptotes are easily identified if the denominator factors.

C) Oblique asymptotes
If ax +b is an oblique asymptote to f(x) then
i) The limit of [f(x)/x] as x tends to plus infinity is a
ii) The limit of [f(x) - ax] as x tends to plus infinity is b
Oblique asymptotes occur if the degree is greater in the numerator

Images and more explanations/examples at

This is a rough outline to get you started. You may wish to tidy it up.
denominator (x – 1)(x – 4) = x^2 – 5x + 4 gives p = -5 , q = 4
y = (ax^2 + bx + c)/ (x^2 – 5x + 4) = (a + b/x + c/x^2)/ (1 – 5/x + 4/x^2)
The limit of f(x) as x tends to plus infinity is a = 2
y = (2x^2 + bx + c)/ (x^2 – 5x + 4)
Stationary point at x = 2 if numerator of dy/dx contains factor x – 2
One way the guess b = -6 leads to the solution in this.
Consider the numerator of d/dx[(2x^2 - 6x + c)/ (x^2 – 5x + 4)] which is
-4x^2 + 2(c – 8)x – 5c + 24
Selecting c = 8 this reduces to 16 – 4x^2 = -4(x – 2)(x + 2)
So now we know that y = (2x^2 - 6x + 8)/ (x^2 – 5x + 4)
has a stationary point at x = 2, (and at x = -2) which answers (ii)
Also, it is now clear that when b = -10 we get
y = (2x^2 - 10x + 8)/ (x^2 – 5x + 4) = 2(x^2 – 5x + 4)/(x^2 – 5x + 4) = 2
So that explains why Γ has exactly 2 stationary points except when b = −10.
I leave it to you tp plot y = (2x^2 - 6x + 8)/ (x^2 – 5x + 4)
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