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Make life happier n easier! - 1 week trial

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rviboy said:
XPFMember said:
Assalamoalaikum!! :)

@rviboy: Firstly, I'm sorry for a few of the comments above! :oops: I'd have deleted them, but sadly you already saw

them before I even had an idea about them! :sorry:

Anyways see we all face hardships and make so many mistakes and do things which we shouldn't. Dont think ever

that I am good or something...I know it's bad but yet true that I'm like you, or infact worse! :( :cry:

The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: “All the children of Adam constantly err, but the best of those who

constantly err are those who constantly repent.” [Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Ahmad, Hakim]

Sometimes we avoid apologizing to a human being because we feel we will be rejected, or that that person will

make it very hard for us to be forgiven – so we end up just avoiding the situation. Sometimes the shame makes us

unable to say sorry. But with Allah, there should be no fear of that. When we admit to our wrongs and make a

conscious and sincere effort to ask forgiveness, Allah (swt) is ready to forgive our sins even if they are like mountains.

It is amazing how the very act of returning to Allah, after we have committed a wrong, is itself an act of worship that

Allah loves. Allah says in a hadith qudsi:

“O son of Adam, so long as you call upon Me and ask of Me, I shall forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not

mind. O son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and were you then to ask forgiveness of Me, I

would forgive you. O son of Adam, were you to come to Me with sins nearly as great as the earth and were you then to

face Me, ascribing no partner to Me, I would bring you forgiveness nearly as great as it.” [Tirmidhi]

Sometimes we assume that it is only those who have committed grave sins that need to return to Allah. But the

Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: “Beware of minor sins. For they add on until they destroy a person.” [Ahmad, Tabarani]

Whatever stage we are at, we need istighfaar and true repentance. If the Prophet (Peace be upon him) himself would

seek forgiveness 70 times a day...

Read More..

I know you are pretty dissappointed with life. You know, even I have problems, etc. I too get disappointed at times....but

you know, I thank Allah a million times that he put this idea into my mind, and trust me it'll surely help you get out of

your problems, InshaAllah...The link to the article provided by badrobot14, was amazing! Infact, I was sort of too depressed and after reading that,

a new hope filled in me...I thank Allah a million times for that!!

When we go to school, we stay more focused, like if we are regular and follow the plans in the school rather than

being at home and plan to study private...in which we may usually be making loads of plans but not actually follow

This was the reason for me making this thread! InshaAllah, it'll help us stay focused. That's all why you are asked to give ur name...after giving your name, inform yourself that for this week you have to try your best to be good..it's not mandatory that you share your views later on...after the week is over.. inshaAllah then we'll try to do that for 2 weeks then 3 and so on...
When we work in a time, we come up with a better result....and I feel, inshaAllah a collective effort like this will help us remain focused, and make us acheive the goals we make day to day...by the goals, i mean that we ofcourse plan that we'll start praying from tomorrow onwards for sure, we'll not do this from tomorrow onwards, etc....but tomorrow never comes!! :( :(

So inshaAllah when everyone here shares different things, and when we together make a plan, it would be easier to implement- by Allah's Will!
Ofcourse this is just a beginning, and so we may try to give up small sins first! The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: “Beware of minor sins. For they add on until they destroy a person.” [Ahmad, Tabarani]
So once we are successful in eliminating minor sins, Allah will help us give up our major sins too.....remember it's never too late, until your heart is beating, Allah is ready to forgive you more than a million times, if you repent!

I'm not forcing you, but I advise you think again... :) It'll surely help you stay focused after your has been added to the participants list! It isn't a promise you are making, it's merely a trial, which we want to make...for we do not know how many seconds or minutes or days or weeks are left of our life! 'Better late than never' That's what we wanna do....the present world situation is because we are moving away the Right Path shown to us by Our Creator..but inshaAllah we will together help and contribute towards the betterment!

P.S. I'm sorry for this LONG post...but I felt the need of it! I apologize for any mistake made, and may Allah forgive me for that! Plz correct me where I'm wrong..

& sorry again for some of the comments above! To those who made those comments, I'd like to kindly say that, (i guess it's some hadis or something) believers are like a body, so when one part of the body is in pain the whole body is in pain! You do not throw that part away! Similarly when one of our brother is dissappointed, sad and upset, instead of looking down at him, or trying to embarass him or show that he has done a big mistake etc, we gotta help him in a good and a kind way! wa Allah u a'alam! I hope we all take care next time! Aameen!
no no brother u dnt need to be sorry for anyone's post. no problem at all.i didn't mind anything. thank u soo much u have to go thru the pain of writing and u gave me very convincing nice reply right from ur heart :)
It really helped me the quotes u mentioned and some other posts as well. I really appreciate the true intent behind everyone of you to help me with honesty. it was just momentarily i got off track and said things which i don't say normally. but my mind is back on track.
actually i m sorry i kindda ruined this thread and due to me it looks messed up now. i mean you created this with pure good will and it is a good idea. I m so into it. add my name as well. i will ry my best to go on with challenge! Thanks and take care nd don't feel eveb slightest sorry for anything nd guilty bout any thing. :Rose: :) :D

XPF member that was the most beautiful thing i ve ever read i almost cried :cry:
thnx and i know that this was supposed to help rviboy but it also helped me too
pls remember me in ur prayers and ill remember u of course

and thanx badrobot for ur article too it helped me alot :Rose:
and i ll post again after i watch the video :good:
and sorry rvibody if i hurt u or anything i was just shocked :sorry:
no hard feelings ? :cry:


XPRS Moderator
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rviboy said:
no no brother u dnt need to be sorry for anyone's post. no problem at all.i didn't mind anything. thank u soo much u have to go thru the pain of writing and u gave me very convincing nice reply right from ur heart :)
It really helped me the quotes u mentioned and some other posts as well. I really appreciate the true intent behind everyone of you to help me with honesty. it was just momentarily i got off track and said things which i don't say normally. but my mind is back on track.
actually i m sorry i kindda ruined this thread and due to me it looks messed up now. i mean you created this with pure good will and it is a good idea. I m so into it. add my name as well. i will ry my best to go on with challenge! Thanks and take care nd don't feel eveb slightest sorry for anything nd guilty bout any thing. :Rose: :) :D
well i was literally in tears...when i saw that the whole post was gone....but then i had to help...and JazakAllah Khair a million times for taking ur time to read that....i dont mind at all then that i had to type again!

And you didnt create a mess or anything...u didnt do anything wrong...cheer up..unless u'd have said what was inside you, how were we supposed to help??
see this thread is actually created so that we overcome our problems, be good members of the society inshaAllah! thats what the title says: make life happier n easier....
glad....it helped you ...praise be to Allah! Alhumdulilah!!!
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badrobot14 said:
Remember you asked like 10 questions in art of grooming ur soul thread, and I tried to reply to some of them.. well the heart of that long post was guidance.. that whatever trials we get in life we ask for Allah's guidance! I can never know what you are going through BUT Allah knows!! Remember "Allah's HELP is only a dua Away!!!" (among my fav quotes!) ask He's the most merciful.. ask for Him to guide you.
Also Quran is the guidance for humanity.. make a connection with it! It is the one thing that fixes a person's life...!!! That is a way tested by me and many others!
Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) was in a difficult period of his life and Allah revealed (as reported by tafseer scholars) Surah Yusuf to console him, and help him..! Read how difficult would it have been for Yusuf(A.S) when his own brothers left him in a well...? then notice the end how he succeeds.. look at the patience of his father!
Indeed nothing consoles a person like the Quran.

@ Others: we are not to judge anyone's Iman, that only suites Allah.. I remember a really harsh hadith on the matter... May Allah forgive us all. Ameen
thanks yeah i know this all and i practice it mostly. but sometimes its difficult to be pataint and have complete faith on Allah and expect him to set things right when u c darkness and negativity all around and things not changing. but i think ur faith n belief is tested the most in hard times. if i was a good believer i would have never said those things in the first place. but we all r in a learning phase and in the search of right direction. yes badrobot i know the persecutions and hardships which Prophet pbuh and his followers faced. those people had the highest degree of Imaan and they had great pataince plus faith on Allah..we need to remember those remarkable incidents and remain steadfast. its just that we are so engrossed in this world affairs that we r not ready for anything unexpected and shocking happening to us. our all planning seem to be for this world only but no planing for the next world. so yeah i will try my best always now to believe in Allah and expect good from him in every circumstances. i was not doing this in tough time of my life. but no matter what happens the last resort is God's help as he is the higest authority nd all powerfull merciful...
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that was really moving rviboy u left me speechless
i am depressed, frustrated and annoyed just like u and i hated my life
but after i read all those wonderful posts i realized that nothing in this world matters as long as i believe and trust Allah
cause this world doesnt matter but the next one does
so now i ve decided that when anything makes me annoyed i ll just remember Allah and recite the Quran and the Hadith

thank u all :Rose:
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jazak Allah 5er XPFMember for rewriting that..and i am sry if i hurted you rviboy i didnt mean it..but it just shocked me just like the others..

i didnt almost get cry cuz of that article..but i just loved it..its very helpful many ppl will get help from it..


XPRS Moderator
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i'd share the best example which these days i'm trying to convince myself...and to make my trust in Allah stronger!

See when you love someone..you trust that person blindly...you'll be ready to do anything for his/her! You'll know that because you both love each other if s/he says anything or give u any advice, u'll listen to her for u know that that person wont think wrong for u!

so we know Allah loves us more than the love of 70 mothers! imagine how much He loves...there's no way He'll leave u or anything! Plus He is aware and has knowledge of everything that's going to happen so ofcourse, whatever he'll give us will befor our betterment...afterall He knows best!

so we can blindly trust Him that whatever happens, has to has some reward because He loves us so even if we dont realize, there's definitely sum good in it...i'll share one incident soon from Prophet Yusuf's (A.S.) life...gotta go now! regarding this!
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i really liked the article that u wrote about the 'Door of the sky'
it was wonderful
i sure hope it rains right now cause i have so many things to ask Allah for :cry:
May Allah help LordofDemons :)
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Its good to know rviboy that u felt u were wrong :]
And it is so true xpfmember, will wait for ur post!
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nano9595 said:
i really liked the article that u wrote about the 'Door of the sky'
it was wonderful
i sure hope it rains right now cause i have so many things to ask Allah for :cry:
May Allah help LordofDemons :)

tnx for ur praise..look..when you love Allah (SWT) truely you cant get bored from praying for Allah (SWT) and asking from Allah (SWT)..may Allah help us all :)
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its very good from people to feel ashamed..but that is not enough..if you did something wrong..u have to correct it..not just feeling bad :)
me too w8ing for ur post xpfmember :)
my real name is also yousef..so i am very excited to read it..but that doesnt mean that i dont like other messengers (ast3'fr Allah)..i am excited cuz the messenger's name is same as mine :) :) :)
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i cant believe that people who want to make their love in Allah stronger and better are only 12 until now...xpfmember you should post a topic in other parts of xpf like cambridge igcse, o level and so on..put the link of this topic there and tell people to join us...maybe some people want to join but they are not browsing "Off Topic"..i know u posted it in your signature but i think that is not enough..plz do what i said..barak Allah feek :) :) :)


XPRS Moderator
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nano9595 said:
XPF member that was the most beautiful thing i ve ever read i almost cried :cry:
thnx and i know that this was supposed to help rviboy but it also helped me too
pls remember me in ur prayers and ill remember u of course

and thanx badrobot for ur article too it helped me alot :Rose:
and i ll post again after i watch the video :good:
and sorry rvibody if i hurt u or anything i was just shocked :sorry:
no hard feelings ? :cry:

See Allah has helped me by making me think that way, but the thing is I implement...do pray for me! :(

And inshaAllah...I think I should start praying for the whole XPF community...not possible to remember every name ;)


XPRS Moderator
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because of your eagerness, I'm forced to make it a bit more sooner! :D

anyways in the book 'Real-Life Lessons from The Holy Qur'an'


(Sample Pages here)

"So I read in that book, that who even thought that the boy who was thrown in the well and then had been sent to the prison when he was innocent, would later become the finance minister/king of the most powerful Egyptian civilization of that time?! "

So he remained patient for a long time....suffered through all the hardships...and then got a high reward for that! Subhan Allah!

We should also never lose hope and be dissappointed no matter whatever happens...we gotta believe and have strong faith in Allah...be patient at all times..and know that He has surely something better for us!

May Alah help me and you all..Aameen!
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such a beautiful and amazing article..jazak allah 5er xpfmember..btw there is a pattern says "Patience is key of relief" (in arabic : "الصبر مفتاح الفرج")
we have to be patient in any case in any situation at any time no matter what happens..this is what that article means :)
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i just finished studies..came on my mind xpfmember and this topic..and then when i am gathered my notes..i said "w saly Allahoma 3ala saydna Mohammed (PBUH)"..try to train urself whenever u start doing smthin say "Bismillah" and when u finish 9aly 3ala el naby el 7beeb or say "Alhamdllah"

i will tell you a good story :)
At the time the messenger (pbuh) was still alive (he is still alive in our hearts)..a scientist traveller was in a strange country and he didnt find a place to sleep in..so he stayed in the mosque until the guard came and tell him go outside..scientist told him that he just came to country and no place for him to sleep in..he told him go outside or i will grab you from ur clothes and throw u out of the mosque..scientist was actually thrown out of the mosque by that guard..then he found a "bake shop" man working at that bake shop told him come and stay with him and sleep in the bake shop as it was his home..i think so i dont remember well but it was smthin like that..anyways..the scientist saw the baker whenever he is entering bread to the oven he say "Bismillah" and when he takes out he say "Alhmdllah"..scientist asked the baker why he is doing this..he said he was doing it since long time..cuz he wished from Allah that he wanted to see that scientist..scientish replied him saying "Allah granded your wish"
Allah is very merciful with us..the baker's wish was granded when scientist didnt just came to the baker normally..but grabbed from his clothes..just cuz of saying "Bismillah and Alhmdllah"..such a beautiful story that makes us realize that Allah is very very merciful with us.

I am sry for any mistakes up there..may Allah Guide us all !!
Aameen !! :)