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Short Story Competition

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Thanks Guys, that mean a lot to me! :D :')

P.s : i'm not a guy! my names says so... but i'm not :p
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Back After Too Long! :D
Dusk had fallen and the cafe was quiet except for a middle aged man sitting near the door. His overcoat concealed most of his identity, but his bare hands and dark hairs made the most of impression. Face was shadowed with his Italian hat, and a cup of coffee lay on the table beside him, gradually getting colder. Clock struck 12 and it's sound caught his attention. For the first time, he lifted his head to see the clock. He nodded in self affirmation and stood up slowly. As if pulling something out, he put his hand into the pocket and headed towards the girl on the counter. I couldn't bear it, the suspense. It was a gun, my instincts said. I pulled mine out and pointed it towards him, shouting to stay where he was. But he kept moving on, kept searching the pocket. I shot. The lifeless body crippled onto the floor. His ear piece could now be seen, and so was the Birthday Present he was searching in his pocket.

u r srsly good at dis....
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the next line of the competition is
"She did not know how she was going to get home... worst still she was alone..."

Continue this story in any way you like.
In this competition i myself will participate :D
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the next line of the competition is
"She did not know how she was going to get home... worst still she was alone..."

Continue this story in any way you like.
In this competition i myself will participate :D

And who will judge the results? o_O
Word Limit????????????
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"AAH!" she sat, rather fell, in hard wooden chair in the extreme centre of her house with a plaintive sigh and put her coffee cup on the small side-table. She rested her head on the back of chair and closed her weary eyes. Dressed in dull purple cotton frock she was there with her arms resting on the chair's. She persevered this daily in the evening, when there was no noise, no headache and no worries, but something was different that day, something unable to be captured by eyes. Living in somewhat modernized countryside in a house on rent, her life had gone purely lethargic, making a living on by teaching. She was 22 then.

After a while she slid her eyelashes up and contemplated at the ceiling fan spinning lifelessly with its usual creaking noise. Her companion cat came, climbed up her lap and lied there. Aapi, who was still by the flashing thoughts, just gulped in response to this disturbance. Smoke from her coffee cup was still rising. Aapi's deep black eyes were getting saturated with the thoughts of her past life, her mind was fresh with them.

She remembered the day she ran off her home, when she was 15. Seven years had passed but it seemed to have happened just the previous day for her. She remembered how her mother slapped and taunted and berated her on "just" failing the exams of 9th grade, which just only for her. She also remembered the threshold of her rage that night when she packed up silently and fled away. Perhaps this was her parents' mistake they couldn't make her a grownup mind. Then she tried to pass the rest of her life in an orphanage, where she couldn't resist the accusations on her and left the place too at the age of 18.

In search of a respectable place for her, she somehow managed to reach the countryside. But the voyage to the place was entirely scabrous, she had to protect her respect and life as well, as it can be for an alone teenage girl. Now, as she rewound all her hardships and luxuries of her actual life, she regretted. A shock ran up through her spine; even the cat was alarmed by this. Aapi came back through the galaxies of thoughts in an hour. Her heart beat fastened. She closed her eyes tight but was unable to hold her tears, and they trickled down her cheeks.

She came back to her senses and breathed deep. She stood up, unconcerned about the cat and was probably determined to go back. She did not know how she was going to get home... worst still she was alone, unmarried, with no one to take her custody. But she knew if she could come here, she could also go there. Hurriedly she dressed most elegantly, stuffed everything needed in her evergreen bag and walked out the door, locked it and left. The coffee cup was still there, untouched and smokeless now.

Aapi walked some far away in that evening twilight, searched for the first bus to the nearest city and set off, which was unavailable four years back. Sitting in it relieved her and her life got some colours. From city to city she changed vehicles and luckily reached her home-city. After 5 hours of travel she stepped out and gazed at everything around her, the crowd, the shops, traffic and everything else. She barely knew the address to her home and what could she alone do that night. She waited till the morning in the rest room of the bus stop, unslept by the curiosity.

In the first rays of early sun, she staggered out the room sleeplessly, and examined the calm cool morning. In a couple of minutes the road and sights came back to life. Aapi soon found a taxi and got inside it. As she was unsure for the address, she tried her best to state it accurately to the driver, who seemed experienced about it, made some queries and was sure for the address to go. There, Aapi stepped out gaping at the wooden door, paid the taxi driver and moved to the door. She rang the door bell with all her excitement to get back to her actual track of life. A small girl appeared..."Who are you?"
"I'm Aapi," Aapi introduced herself "can you please call my mother, Miss Mismis?"
"Sorry," said the girl "no one with that name lives here" and she banged the door. Aapi was so much disappointed by this, she rang again, and a middle-aged woman came this time. Aapi explained briefly to whom she wanted to see.
"Oh, I see, I think you are visiting them after a long time" the woman said, Aapi just nodded for this "actually the sold this and moves somewhere else, I think some other city. Sorry I can't help you" and the woman shut the door.

Aapi stepped back intending to cry but her throat held to it. Her whole world went black. She sat on the foot path holding her head and soaked in sweat, and remained still. Alas! The next morning she was found dead in the same place.
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okay here goes nothing...
She did not know how she was going to get home… worst still she was alone…
She looked down the deserted street that showed little or no signs of human habitation. Why she had chosen to come was a question that even she couldn’t answer. All she knew was this that she was sick of sitting at home being deprived of all the fun that youngsters her age had.
The evening however had turned into a nightmare when the friend who was supposed to accompany her called her to a place she had never visited before. “Just ask the cabbie to take to that place” Duncan had said “the cabbie would know.” Diane couldn’t remember when last she had regretted a decision so badly in her life… and she had lived a lot.
The night was turning colder by every second that passed and there was still no sign of Duncan. The poorly lit street showed a broken road covered with thick woods on one side and clearing on the other with nothing but a few stray weeds and some wild growth. In distance she could see a square patch of yellow light coming from the cabin window.
Every now and then Diane would look behind her expecting to see someone she knew. The anticipation was killing her and she was at the end of her wits when she saw a pair of lights illuminating the street. The car approached her steadily and stopped at a distant. With its hazard lights on it indicated that this was the car Diane was waiting for, though she wasn’t sure if it relieved her or stressed her even more. She had after all never done anything of that sort before.

Suppressing a wild urge to run away she held her breath and made towards the car and tapped the dark windows while trying to convince her self that it was just a dream.

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She did not know how she was going to get home. But she wanted it that way. A quiet long road, nothing but the moonlight and endless forests all around. She kept walking in direction away from the city lights, and from her old frail life. Matt was right, Ema thought. I have to get away from all this, give myself some room. A chill of excitement ran through her body. She smiled at what she had done, how she had evaded her destined routine. Thumbs up! Ema shouted. All I have got to do is make a plan now. I have money, I have clothes and the good part, I have time! she told herself. So let's just do this! Facing the deep blue sky, she closed her eyes and absorbed the moonlight, the first moment of her new life. This is great, Ema murmured. I'm free now, her smile widened. A truck ran over her.
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She did not know how she was going to get home. But she wanted it that way. A quiet long road, nothing but the moonlight and endless forests all around. She kept walking in direction away from the city lights, and from her old frail life. Matt was right, Ema thought. I have to get away from all this, give myself some room. A chill of excitement ran through her body. She smiled at what she had done, how she had evaded her destined routine. Thumbs up! Ema shouted. All I have got to do is make a plan now. I have money, I have clothes and the good part, I have time! she told herself. So let's just do this! Facing the deep blue sky, she closed her eyes and absorbed the moonlight, the first moment of her new life. This is great, Ema murmured. I'm free now, her smile widened. A truck ran over her.

thiora zada abrupt hogia... :p xD