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ATTENTION PLEASE -- All Muslim Brothers and Sisters

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Assalamu 'alaykum wr wb!

Aly Emran
Whatever you quoted and said is not wrong. MashAllah, you're on the right lane. But take this with our generation in your mind. Back in the day, women were extra modest, they were shy and talked to men only for purpose. Their tradition also recommended shyness. Yes, it is not written anywhere that talking to women is Haram. Talking uselessly for no purpose is what's not right.
For example, starting a conversation with "Hey! How u doin'" would eventually end up in "can I have your number, just to chat. Promise" or an argument where the two of you would blame each other of sinful deeds.

What we really have to put thought into is that, why is it, that we want to talk to the opposite gender? Both, males and females are blessed with intelligence, alhamdulillah. A male can always refer to a male for his problems, queries and questions and similarly, a female can always refer to a female. In this generation, the little freedom that we had has been used for the wrong purposes. Often, it is the women, who show their soft side and over-express their feelings and that's exactly what attracts the opposite gender. Men, on the other hand, were naturally weak in this sense. It's a woman who drives the man astray. And to prevent yourself form facing a huge Fitnah, I suggest the males of this generation just avoid talking to the females..

had we been present in the olden times, our hearts would have discouraged us any way..now, the world is open, media on the rise, fornication at it's max. The signs of the day are slowly appearing and like the Prophet (PBUH) even mentioned, there isn't much time left till the Day. The Last Day. So fear Allah, and refer to your gender. If, for instance, you don't find the answer to an important question, yes, do refer to the opposite gender only for that purpose. Ask your question. Get your answer. And leave.

As for the females of this society, instead of making males a fitnah for yourselves or making yourselves a fitnah for them, how about we give a little thought to our futures and Akhira. We are commanded to be dignified, wise and to the point. This only occurred to me after reading the numerous posts by XPFMember and badrobot14. You're sweet. And you can't help it. So you show your sweetness to the world. However, the question is: Are you sweet to seek attention? Is that what you're trying to do out there? What benefit will your "sweetness" give?
Males ask a question or try to talk, simple thing to do is: Answer the question and be stern. They'll get the message. Do not expose yourselves because that way, you're probably unintentionally showing your personality off. "A woman in a hijab is like a pearl in it's shell" I once read. Hijab doesn't only include covering your body, it also means covering and protecting your uniquness and qualitites from the dangerous world. Don't let anyone see your soft, tender side..what will define you otherwise?

Therefore, to prevent any sort of argument, we have to choose to remain safe. And in this case, the safest option would be to stick to your religion, your gender, and tradition..remember, none of us were brought up in this manner. Now, I'm assuming we're all grown up and smart enough to distinguish between whats right and whats wrong. You are talking to a girl/boy, if he/she isn't caring and is moving off limits, it's your job as a Muslim to warn him/her. A muslim's job : TO ENJOIN GOOD AND FORBID EVIL and that includes enjoining what's good for you and your society and forbidding whats bad for you and the society..

Ask yourself: What will happen when the men of this generation openly talk to the women of this generation?
And answer that question, yourself.

And Allah Knows Best!

Definitely sis thanx for gr8 long essay :p ok now serious talk, I said before this is what ALLAH is testing! Are u having enough good Intentions!! Intentions!! ALLAH want too see ur attentions!!! taking girl.......... supose me is talking u about Islam and I salam u and ask how r u??? have I ever asked any girl about ASTAGHFIRULLAh a no. or address! I dont mean to say Im 100% perfect but the thing is I have a strong Niyaat in this sense that I donnot talk something indecent to any girl!! Cox of my strong Niyaat and determination! This is the TEST!
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Definitely sis thanx for gr8 long essay :p ok now serious talk, I said before this is what ALLAH is testing! Are u having enough good Intentions!! Intentions!! ALLAH want too see ur attentions!!! taking girl.......... supose me is talking u about Islam and I salam u and ask how r u??? have I ever asked any girl about ASTAGHFIRULLAh a no. or address! I dont mean to say Im 100% perfect but the thing is I have a strong Niyaat in this sense that I donnot talk something indecent to any girl!! Cox of my strong Niyaat and determination! This is the TEST!

And what we are suggesting is the way to pass through your test...
now perofrm the Isha Prayer and pray Allah to guide all of us in th e right way :)
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Book mostly say she went directly to Abu Talib too !! and Smile ah When Holy Prophet(PBUH) was about to depart from the world, he wispered in Hazrat Fatima's(ears) and she smiled and a companion saw that!! That companion later asked why she smiled and u know the whole story so i'll make it short!

I've never read it that way :eek:
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Book mostly say she went directly to Abu Talib too !! and Smile ah When Holy Prophet(PBUH) was about to depart from the world, he wispered in Hazrat Fatima's(ears) and she smiled and a companion saw that!! That companion later asked why she smiled and u know the whole story so i'll make it short!

It was Aisha (RA)n who saw that and narrated it to us..wasn't it?
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i was proving amd that girls can smile cox Hazrat Fatima(RA) did!!!

Who said girls can't smile? Of course girls can smile, Fatimah (RA) smiled and the witness was her father + Aisha (RA).
What women can't do is show softness and tenderness to the opposite gender (unrelated)smiling isn't forbidden.
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Who said girls can't smile? Of course girls can smile, Fatimah (RA) smiled and the witness was her father + Aisha (RA).
What women can't do is show softness and tenderness to the opposite gender (unrelated)smiling isn't forbidden.

yea thats what im pointing out to amd thanks for understanding!! U r one good Muslim :)
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