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What to do when you see something like ___ ?

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Assalamu Alaikum everyone ! :)
So first things first, never mind my English its extremely poor so please just don't bother it. :)
I know i am pulling up something really contradictory but i just can't stop myself from that. The problem has been going on ever since i started understanding things around me. I wasn't that religious, never did my parents force me out but Then when i started researching internet for religious stuff, i found extremely bad stuff about Islam posted by people who belonged to various religions and sadly enough there were muslims as well in there who were *spitting* bad stuff about their own religion. I've been seeing this stuff for extremely long time now but i can't find a way to do anything about it. You can't bless a senseless person with brain of course but i still dunno what to do about it. I mean i feel so help less how people just say (Nauzobillah) Allah doesn't exist and that Prophet Muhammad(saw) is God-forbid a liar. Not only this but they go on abusing Him and him, and i don't know what makes me read those posts till the very end but in the end i cry bitterly and i feel like killing myself because it so hurts to see people do all the "bakwaas" about personalities i love and revere severely.
Just now, i read a thread in TSR of a stupid Atheist about finishing Islam from earth and he literally wrote that badly that i felt like killing him. He used extremely bad language, i could not tolerate it but i didn't reply rudely but that would obviously be another bad thing to do cuz it would not only make that person's beliefs stronger but it would be a denial to the commandment of "controlling your anger". On the other hand, staying quiet would make that person utter more and more bad words on this topic. So i'm extremely confused on what to do !! All i do when i see content like this is just praying to Allah to guide such infidels to the right path but i need help for what to do about myself. I don't deliberately search for such stuff. It just comes in way ! Can you guys help me with this ?? :cry:
Jazak Allah Khair ! :)

P.S. I could have messaged many of you independently but i wanted a general opinion. :)
Those who wanna create an argument, FOR GOD'S SAKE, stay away !!
TO THE MODS = If this topic goes against the rules anywhere, you're most welcome to please lock or delete this thread. Your actions are held in high respect. :)
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You call this English extremely poor?
It isn't that BAD!

I really don't know what to say to such things, let others help you... :)
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CaptainDanger said:
You call this English extremely poor?
It isn't that BAD!

I really don't know what to say to such things, let others help you... :)
But it is bad, isn't it ?
And yeah, lets wait for others as well ! :)
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No it isn't! Its like no one likes his or her own voice, or some pictures but others do...


XPRS Administrator
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Bismillah, let me state clearly that I am no A'alim and that I'd be writing from the tiny bit of knowledge that Ar Rahman has granted me..
SubhanAllah, it is remarkable that I read something on a related matter recently.. Also remarkable is the fact that I just finished taking notes from Tafseer of surah A'ala.. the knowledge from which came first to my mind.. It just clicked.. Truly Quran is a relevant advice and counsel from Allah in our daily affairs. Alhamduillah.

What I have started doing recently is that I just don't read the stuff if I get even the hint from first few lines that someone's trying to say anything degrading about Allah or his messenger (S.A.W), I skip it. I have a logical reason for that.
I start from tafseer notes in my words.. Surah Aala starts from a command

Exalt the name of your Lord, the Most High.

It's Sabbihi isma rabbika and NOT Sabbihi BIisma rabbika like in surah nasr it's Fasabbih BIhamdi rabbika wastaghfirhu innahu kana tawwaba (Then exalt [Him] with praise of your Lord ...)
Notice the 'BI' is not here.. Sabbihi BIisma rabbika would have meant declare perfection of your lord with his names
But here Sabbihi isma rabbika ie. without BI gives an implied meaning.. that is to acknowledge the perfection of Allah. Not to declare it nescessaraly but to retain and acknowledge it. With BI the idea leans more to remembering Allah using dhikr but here it's more about acknowledging His perfection and NOT allowing yourself to hear anything, to entertain any thought that brings down status of Allah(S.W.t) So you don't even entertain a thought in your mind that's not becomming of Allah and not being in places wher Allah's name is spoken badly of. We even think of Allah in the highest way, this includes not listening to entertainment n comedy that poke fun at Allah Azzo wa jal..

Regarding people bashing name of our Prophet (S.A.W) it's nothing new. Even the quraish called him Sahir, Kahin etc.. and Allah defends His Rasool in Quran many times.. eg. "And your companion is not [at all] mad."(81:22)
This is a piece written by a muslimah i recently came across:
...However, please be reminded that our Prophet himself never showed any retaliation to his personal antagonists, nor did he urge his companions to respond to his enemies or slanderers, and the companions were the best generation of Muslims. Also, note that it is this tendency for reactionary behavior, which often turns violent, that has gotten Muslims to commit major crimes in defense of their religion that are in open violation of its very edicts and laws (no examples need to be given here; we all know).
.. we should voice our opposition and protest to any attempt at defaming or maligning our Prophet’s honor, but it should not permanently prevent us from doing the “greater good” so to speak – viz. propagating the authentic knowledge and beauty of Islam through the very means that these silly artists tried to use to defame it. [end quote]
According to Nouman Ali khan it's like spitting at the sun, it's only gonna come back at your own face.. They can bark all they want.. Speech of Allah is supreme. We are disrespected by it but we respond inteligently..
I stay away coz at least until I have some degree of understanding of Arabic and little understanding of Quran I wouldn't wanna mess with their deluded thologies; lest I'd loose my deen.

Hope reply was benificial.

P.S. M not very knowledgeable, I just quoted from tafseer by nouman Ali khan there.. so don't think otherwise.

*EDIT* I'd like to add this aayah: "You will surely be tested in your possessions and in yourselves. And you will surely hear from those who were given the Scripture before you and from those who associate others with Allah much abuse. But if you are patient and fear Allah - indeed, that is of the matters [worthy] of determination." (3:186)
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Thankyou real loads of times badrobot14 !! I was actually waiting for your response and as i hoped, it really really helped !! :D
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@Badrobot14...Im jxt listening to the first khutbah link u gave...and its so has solved my problem..!! Its actually making me feel wayy better !! And its so imaan-reviving !! :)


XPRS Moderator
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Oh! I just saw this. I think, my help won't be necessary now after these awesomely wonderful answers.

P.S Your English is good :D
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Just tell the athiest this:
Lets suppose there is no God, after we die, nothing gonna happen to both of us.
However, if there is God, when i die i will be rewarded in believing in him but when you die you will be doomed for not believing in him.

And then ask him,
Apparently belieivng in God is the better option, dont you think?

After this tell him about the perfection of Islam.
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@destined007....You won't believe it but a really "Respected and Adored Member" of TSR was also complaining about him but apparently she couldn't do anything about what he said cuz he posted in religious discussions topic ! He's wayy too irritating !! I made two posts there b4 posting this topic and he unscrewed evry word i said !! Phir bhi i jxt said tumhe samajh hi nhi aani isi leay tumhe samjhanay ka faida koi nahii ! :fool: :p
And THANKYOU for your views as well !! I'm following badrobot14's advice for the time being...If i read a few lines about any kind od stuff like this, i leave it or if i can't just stop, i take out the plug of the extension wire !! :roll: Might damage the PC but its worth it ! :wink:


XPRS Administrator
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@ Ghalya:
Alhamdulillah that the reply helped.. I thank you for listening to the first lecture.
If you need answers for yourself in comparing different thologies etc. see this, it's the most funny and awes-mazing series of lectures! I absolutely love them.
How to Give Shahada in 10 Minutes by the famous Kamal el Makki. (complementary slides attached)
A side piece of advice; try not to argue with people who argue for the sake of arguing, it's normally pointless makes them more adamant on their hate. But if someone is genuinly looking for answers help them (you can eaisly tell these by their politeness)..


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Just ignore them. I have a belief, some may label it crazy but I will hold onto it strongly.
What goes around comes around. If one insults or degrades another's belief, sooner or later pretty much the same will happen to him. I'm not saying that bad things happen only to bad people but if someone goes extreme in any way, then that's asking for trouble! And I believe it's just the buzz around 9/11... I've also come across degradatory comments abt my own belief, I cried for long and then realised no one's gonna come console my inner self and it's my responsibilty to keep my inner self happy. So let's just steer clear of them, save ourselves the trouble, it's upto God :) to judge them n decide their fate! :Rose:
Sorry if my views or comments offend anyone.
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badrobot14 said:
@ Ghalya:
Alhamdulillah that the reply helped.. I thank you for listening to the first lecture.
If you need answers for yourself in comparing different thologies etc. see this, it's the most funny and awes-mazing series of lectures! I absolutely love them.
How to Give Shahada in 10 Minutes by the famous Kamal el Makki. (complementary slides attached)
A side piece of advice; try not to argue with people who argue for the sake of arguing, it's normally pointless makes them more adamant on their hate. But if someone is genuinely looking for answers help them (you can easily tell these by their politeness)..

I heard the first lecture only ! :( Its damn kind of you to provide me another link ( as i expected :D ) ; However, I've got a severe Migrane sort of head ache and so my mum doesn't let me use youtube anymore !! XPF ki permission bhi buhat mushkil si mili hai !! :p
And that side piece of advice...Im actually following that !! :)
I actually wrote a sentence somwhere in my response "...Satan doe not have any religion so bad deeds/satanic thoughts won't stop even if you eliminate any religion, let alone Islam..." And that person did a whole speech !! Who told you Satan has no religion and blah blah !! He's (Nauzobillah) trying to compete God or whatever !! I so hate that person for this !! I even saw another member quoting my post in notifications but i didn't actually bother. Let them bang their own ideas; I'm proudly firm on mine ! :)

anahita16 said:
Just ignore them. I have a belief, some may label it crazy but I will hold onto it strongly.
What goes around comes around. If one insults or degrades another's belief, sooner or later pretty much the same will happen to him. I'm not saying that bad things happen only to bad people but if someone goes extreme in any way, then that's asking for trouble! And I believe it's just the buzz around 9/11... I've also come across degradatory comments abt my own belief, I cried for long and then realised no one's gonna come console my inner self and it's my responsibilty to keep my inner self happy. So let's just steer clear of them, save ourselves the trouble, it's upto God :) to judge them n decide their fate! :Rose:
Sorry if my views or comments offend anyone.

@Anahita16...Ur absolutely right !! I actually used to do what you do but not anymore !! And your beliefs are not crazy; Actually really similar to mine ( Why'd i call myself crazy :D ) !!


XPRS Moderator
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Assalamoalaikum wr wb! :)

You know, I feel so good for being a Muslim, and keep praying that we become good believers. I don't but it's becoming really difficult day by day... :( We all compete each other, and scared to do anything because we think what will s/he say.

The need is that we (iincluding me) understand that we are not doing anything for anyone, we got ti do everything and anything only and only for our One and Only Creator, Allah... Sometimes when I think, I feel lucky about me being a Muslim, for to be honest, we knows there's already someone for us. It's just we may not realise sometimes. But if we think, and as we all know, it's worthless to trust anyone in this world, whether it be your best friend or whoever. It's only Allah we can trust for everything, after all he's there for us and according to a Hadith, He's close to us than our juglar vein!

Please pray for me and everyone, that we follow the path of guidance....and avoid doing things which are unliked by Allah and His Messenger sallalahualyhi wasalam)! Aameen!
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@XPFMember ... Everything you said is true !! :) I am so surprised at the fact that when i properly, with full belief on Allah, do a task, it just happens !! I dunno how but there's some Power behind it that facilitates it. And you are so right about having trust in Allah only, but i trust on people because they are Allah's creation, they are His beloved !! And sharing happiness along with these common people, it just brings me more and more closer to the being who created them !! :)
Ameen at your dua. May He guide us all !! :)