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To watch or not to watch, THAT is the question... :S

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Disclaimer: someone I know wrote this piece of writing.... do read; it is amazing.

AsSalamoAlaikum Wr Wb...

Finally, I’m here to put down my views regarding an important topic. It’s been a really long time I’ve been thinking of doing this. Before I go on further, I’d want to mention the reason I’ve started writing. Well, I personally think, it’s good to put down your ideas as it motivates you to act accordingly.

I strongly feel I should give up watching TV. You must be wondering, "Oh why?" “There’s nothing wrong with it.” “This is just extremism.” “We have the right to enjoy and entertain ourselves.” …and a lot more.

Well, you know why I think that way? I see TV as a time-waste, and just a useless tool…just destroys our personality and character. Trust me, those things, which seemed pretty wrong to me earlier, after watching TV (though not too much), gradually those things started not to bother me much. Isn’t that alarming? That’s a Shaytan trick. Definitely, it is..! Shaytan tries to make us used-to the minor sins, and then a time will come when even the major sins won’t bother us. Trust me that’s the truth. If you feel that’s not the case with you, then let me ask you something. If you used to wear decent dresses, those which were in accordance to the Shar’iah...and the other kinds of dresses used to bother you much...Do they still bother you much? Definitely, not as it was earlier. Watching TV, with those stuff, makes you get used-to such stuff, and that’s why after some time you stop bothering about, and think it’s just NORMAL.

“And it has already come down to you in the Book that when you hear the verses of Allah [recited], they are denied [by them] and ridiculed; so do not sit with them until they enter into another conversation. Indeed, you would then be like them.Indeed Allah will gather the hypocrites and disbelievers in Hell all together” [Quran 4:140]

So you see, even the Quran says so. The things they do are definitely denying Allah’s verses, as they’re going against what Allah has asked us to. Secondly, if doing something is WRONG, then even WATCHING it would be WRONG. As I see it as means of promoting it. On the other hand, Allah tells us: Amr bil-m’aroof, wa nahi ‘an il-munkar...Enjoin that which is good and forbid evil. Would we want to disobey our Lord? Would we want to do something that’ll make our Lord angry? Why should we do that?

And now, let me explain why doing that is wrong. Did you come across this Hadith? The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said: “For one of you to be stabbed in the head with an iron needle is better for him than to touch a woman who is not permissible for him.” (At-Tabaraani saheeh by al-Albaani). And you’re pretty aware of what happens. That lady is the mother of a guy in one show, daughter in the other, and on another occasion wife of the guy. Both are non-Mehrams of each other, how can you say there’s nothing wrong in all that? We need to re-think. Trust me, it’s so addictive. I mean, it’s hard to resist watching it when you have it playing in front of you. In that case, we have to find out some ways that’d help us to stay away from TV. I’d try to list some of them in my next article InshaAllah. You may share your suggestions too.
Till then, this should be an encouragement for you:

“And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him a way out and will provide for him from where he does not expect.” [Quran 65:2-3]

Let us remind ourselves of this Ayah every time we’re tempted to watch TV.
May Allah help us and guides us all and make us among the muttaqeen and saliheen. Aameen.

WasSalamoAlaikum Wr Wb…

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WaAlaikumAsSalam Wr WB..

JazakAllahu khairen for sharing...! Do post the next article too....we really need to find alternatives...cuz its truly addictive..

I'd like to add this too:

Wa iyyakum... Sure would post it too, insha'Allah. I agree it is addictive.. But as that awesome image you just posted says we must protect our hearts... And truly heart is valueable. "And indeed, among his kind was Abraham, When he came to his Lord with a sound heart" (37:83-84)


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There are good, entertaining programs too on t.v, you know.
I can't miss a Football match no matter what. And it's certainly not possible to travel all over to Europe thrice a month to watch those matches live in the stadium. So, T.V is the only choice we football fans have.
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There are certainly good, entertaining things too on t.v, you know.
I can't miss a Football match no matter what. And it's certainly not possible to travel all over Europe thrice a month to watch those matches live in stadium, so T.V is the only 'choice' we fans have.
Exactly :D And stuff like documentaries are even useful ;) Oh and the verrry useful Tom and Jerry and teletubbies and DORA xD (I mean educational stuff in general :p)
Though that was a very thought-provoking article regular user :D Jazakallah for sharing :D
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You are (or the writer is) of the false assumption that everyone who watches TV watches indecent programs. This is completely untrue. What about news? What about documentaries? What about sports? What about programs like PeaceTV that exist to provide people with knowledge? Is there anything wrong in watching those? A TV is probably detrimental to a good number of people, but flat-out calling it a "time-waste" and "useless tool" is slightly ignorant if you ask me.

I do agree with everything else though. May Allah guide us all. Ameen.


XPRS Administrator
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You are (or the writer is) of the false assumption that everyone who watches TV watches indecent programs. This is completely untrue. What about news? What about documentaries? What about sports? What about programs like PeaceTV that exist to provide people with knowledge? Is there anything wrong in watching those? A TV is probably detrimental to a good number of people, but flat-out calling it a "time-waste" and "useless tool" is slightly ignorant if you ask me.

I do agree with everything else though. May Allah guide us all. Ameen.

it depends.. see I also watch T.V (rarely) but I only restrict myself to watching AlQuran Alkareem or Peace Tv... that's about it.... I used to watch football but
well, it took away frm my time so I try not to watch it as much...
Still in my xperience, 99% ppl who watch it, do watch somethinfg indecent.. consider even the things you mentioned... 'News'.. now tell me how many men here lower their eyes when they see the female news caster....? does the Quran not say "Tell the believing men to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what they do." (24:31)....??? how many people are agitated when they hear that stupid music that plays with the news bulliton...? and not to mention the entertainment news.... same way at times inappropriate stuff comes in documentaries unless you are careful in picking what you watch and how you watch.... (b/w for news internet is much better, IMHO)
So because the article is true for 99% of the cases no need to point and say that well the author's claim is false.... or that it has no bases and is ignorance... hope you get where I'm comming from.. :)
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it depends.. see I also watch T.V (rarely) but I only restrict myself to watching AlQuran Alkareem or Peace Tv... that's about it.... I used to watch football but
well, it took away frm my time so I try not to watch it as much...
Still in my xperience, 99% ppl who watch it, do watch somethinfg indecent.. consider even the things you mentioned... 'News'.. now tell me how many men here lower their eyes when they see the female news caster....? does the Quran not say "Tell the believing men to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what they do." (24:31)....??? how many people are agitated when they hear that stupid music that plays with the news bulliton...? and not to mention the entertainment news.... same way at times inappropriate stuff comes in documentaries unless you are careful in picking what you watch and how you watch.... (b/w for news internet is much better, IMHO)
So because the article is true for 99% of the cases no need to point and say that well the author's claim is false.... or that it has no bases and is ignorance... hope you get where I'm comming from.. :)
I never said the author's claim was false. I just said (s)he made a false assumption. But you are right about TV News not being as 'appropriate' as Internet news or newspaper articles. I agree with that. :) As for documentaries, the ones I watch are just fine.. but yeah there are certain things to watch out for.


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I never said the author's claim was false. I just said (s)he made a false assumption. But you are right about TV News not being as 'appropriate' as Internet news or newspaper articles. I agree with that. :) As for documentaries, the ones I watch are just fine.. but yeah there are certain things to watch out for.

but see as engineers they teach us how to make assumptions for simplicity (in calculations).. and I think author made a pretty good assumption coz if u were to notice what ppl watch, certainly most ppl use TV for that.... :)
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but see as engineers they teach us how to make assumptions for simplicity (in calculations).. and I think author made a pretty good assumption coz if u were to notice what ppl watch, certainly most ppl use TV for that.... :)
True, that's a nice example of when assumptions are made. I was just a bit irritated by the "useless/time-wasting" comment, is all. I just happen to feel that way sometimes because the aforementioned comment doesn't apply to everyone. But I get your point. Since it applies to a majority of people, you can just assume that to be pretty much everyone.


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AsSalamu Alaikum wr wb,

JazakAllah for sharing regular user!

I try to motivate myself not to watch tv cuz...

01- Its Al-laghw(dirty, false, evil vain talk, falsehood, and all that Allâh has forbidden)
Allah mentions the qualities of the believers in Surah Mu'minoon as
وَٱلَّذِينَ هُمۡ عَنِ ٱللَّغۡوِ مُعۡرِضُونَ
"And who keep themselves away from vain things, (3)

02- Excessive Music (not a single program without music even the sports n news are flooded with Music)

03- the thing which actually made me to leave cartoons n animated movies that once i used to love!!----> It was at the time of RasoolAllah(SAW) that an enemy of Islam, Nazar bin Haris brought dancing girls n interesting stories of Rustam n aswand yaar to distract people from the Quran n the teachings of RasoolAllah when he(SAW) was preaching in Makkah, these stories very interesting n were unknown to the arabs at that time, n wenever Nazar bin Haris saw anyone becoming interested in Islam he used to leave those girls with them...

04- It is addictive, n addiction to anything is bad


XPRS Moderator
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AsSalamu Alaikum wr wb,
04- It is addictive, n addiction to anything is bad
WaAlaikumAsSalam Wr Wb...!

well...i agree...
I try so hard to stay away; but it's like unavoidable....I'm striving to get away...Alhumdulilah trying...and a very effective thing mentioned in the article :

Till then, this should be an encouragement for you:

“And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him a way out and will provide for him from where he does not expect.” [Quran 65:2-3]

I love this Ayah, and yes, agree, tried this..and it was an encouragement indeed!
I'm waiting for the next article, cuz I wanna find alternatives, I need them...

N.M JazakAllah for mentioning all those points...i'll try motivating myself on that basis too, inshaAllah..
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The debate of whether the box is a boon or a bane has raged on for a long time...
In short I woild conclude that it is wiser to take the middle path... Its just like a knife... you could use to slit someone's throat or to cut an apple... Depends on the user...
Elaboratng on regular user 's post....
But there is a point here: Statistics say Most kids spend more time glued to the TV than in school... I agree there are amazing documentaries like those on Discovery Channel (of which I am a great fan) but c'mon... how many kids watch it...Its plain clear any kid would prefer a movie or a soap show over these edutainment shows( well majority of them to be true). And the horrible part is when media owners manipulate kids' mind...
Take this for example: Kids love cartoons and animated stuff( so do I).... but it is disturbing like lets take this very famous movie :Madagascar---- a child's favorite...
The first part was pretty clean luring kids to go on with the series... the second and third ones were really disturbing to watch... I can not see it with my family and my younger siblings... I would never let them watch it....

And yeah whose seen DisneyXD, Cartoon Network of late.... all of them have some or the other part when love and romance have been introduced evenTom and Jerry...for that matter... and plus it is full of violence ... I would rather my siblings play with puzzles or sthg than make em watch these... And then the teen shows...Hannah Montana...and the rest... All of which are full of corruptive ideas(As NAK rightly terms them the filth of the planet)
And admit it teens (mostly) watch the Twilight Saga and stuff like that...
A few ... very few watch decent stuff... And nowadays what used to be decent is also no more the same...

And almost every TV soap show has to include bedroom scens ....lately this is the trend....

And dont forget the disgusting meaningless ads that pop up every 10 mins... Of course we can always flip channels and the rest but not everyones the same...

Of sports... some times it is a waste of time...yes like those 1 day long cricket matches...
But I donot mind watching a nice football or tennis match... they donot take that long....

Anyways this is my own viewpoint... You may differ!!!


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"Why is watching movies and dramas not okay?

1. The Lord of all the Worlds asks women to veil and shield their beauty from na mehram men, so how can you even justify making films in the first place.

2. The Creator of the Heavens and the Earth asks believing men and women to lower their gaze and guard their modesty. The first accidental glance at a member of the opposite gender (who is not your mahram) is forgiven, the next you are going to be held accountable for. Can you then watch a movie blindfolded?

3. In Surah Luqman, we are warned thus: " But there are among men who purchase IDLE TALES ( songs, movies, dramas) to mislead from the Path of Allah without knowledge and throw ridicule on it; for such will be a humiliating penalty. When Our Signs are rehearsed to such a one, he turns away in arrogance as if he heard them not, as if there were deafness in both his ears; give him glad tidings of a grievous punishment."

4. The Designer of the 7 Heavens and all that is between them describes His special slaves as " those who, if they happen to PASS by futility, they pass by it with honorable (avoidance) . Surah Furqan.

5. The Most Gracious declares believers who will be ultimately successful as those "who avoids laghw". Laghw is any vain, futile, time killing activity that has no benefit in this world or the next.

6. The Prophet (pbuh) said that there are two blessings in which most people incur loss, health and free time. He (saw) also foretold that a believer will not be able to MOVE from his place before he has answered 5 questions: How did he spend his life? how did he spend his youth in particular? From which source did he earn his livelihood? Where did he spend it? and to what extent did he PRACTISE what he knew?

7. The One who is going to judge has deemed ALL of mankind to be in grave loss except those who do all of the following simultaneously without failing any one of these duties: those who believe , and do righteous deeds, and exhort each other to Truth and patience and constancy.

8. The blink of an eye and this life is gonna be over. How much is 1 hour (or 3 hours for a movie) of our life worth anyway?? If you ask people of intellect and understanding, they wouldn't watch a drama or film even if you paid them. We have soo much to learn of our Deen, the Quran and Hadith. How can we afford to gamble with our lives when the Most Stunning Reality awaits us...