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The 10 Most Awesome Days are HERE: Don't MISS OUT!

Did you know about these 10 most beloved Days before reading this?

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lol.... good thinking... but who likes to sin..? you think it's easy to live with the burden of guilt.. that you disobeyed your merciful Lord.. the one that provides food to you.. the one that made your eyes.. which are so precious you won't sell them for a million dollars...

"O mankind, what has deceived you concerning your Lord, the Generous,
Who created you, proportioned you, and balanced you?
In whatever form He willed has He assembled you.
No! But you deny the Recompense. " (82:6-9)

besides it's the minor sins that are forgiven... for major ones one needs to sincerely repent... plus sins are a downward spiral... you become lax with one minor sin and it leads you to other sins... and at the end you feel so awful, the peace that is in obeying Allah.. you don't get it... it's like ur insides are screaming for relief.

heh you do make me feel stupid after every question u answer =p


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heh you do make me feel stupid after every question u answer =p
Sorry, wasn't my intention... really sorry.. it's just that when u get used to not sinning and u sin it's sooo bad.... only after repenting do u feel happy again...
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Sorry, wasn't my intention... really sorry.. it's just that when u get used to not sinning and u sin it's sooo bad.... only after repentin do u feel happy again...
haha no man .. why be .. well its just you make since to the fact i wonder how silly it was to ask !


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[REPOSTING the content N.M shared as we're soon to have that awesome time of the year again *_*]
AsSalamu Alaikum Wr Wb,

If you think that your birthday or your wedding anniversary are the best days in the year, THINK AGAIN! There are days even awesome-er than those! The first ten days of Dhul Hijjah. These days are more beloved to Allah than any other and therefore, the deeds done in these days are rewarded immensely. A two in one offer!

The Prophet (saw) said, “There are no days that are greater before Allah or in which good deeds are more beloved to Him than these ten days, so recite a great deal of tahleel(La illaha illa Allah) , takbeer(Allahu Akbar) and tahmeed (Alhamdulillah) during them.” [Ahmad]

"There are no days in which good deeds are more beloved to Allah than in these ten days." The companions asked him, "Not even Jihad for the sake of Allah?" He replied, "Not even Jihad for the sake Allah-except for a man who goes out with his self and wealth, and returns with neither" (Sahih, reported by alDaarimi, 1/357; its isnaad is hasan as stated in al-Irwaa’, 3/398

Allaah swears an oath by them, and swearing an oath by something is indicative of its importance and great benefit. Allaah says:

وَالۡفَجۡرِۙ‏ ﴿۱﴾ وَلَيَالٍ عَشۡرٍۙ﴿۲

“By the dawn; by the ten nights.” [al-Fajr 89:1-2]

Ibn ‘Abbaas, Ibn al-Zubayr, Mujaahid and others of the earlierand later generations said that this refers to the first ten days ofDhu’l-Hijjah. Ibn Katheer said: “This is the correct opinion.”(Tafseer Ibn Katheer, 8/413)

May the peace and blessings be upon you, O Prophet of Allah! You are always giving us extra chances. No one should let this chance for forgiveness slip through his fingers and then regret losing it when regret can do no good. Allah Himself ordered us to increase our remembrance of Him in these days. {And to remember the name of Allah through the Days appointed.} (al-Haj, 28)

What are the "appointed" days? They are none other than the ten days of Dhu al-Hijjah, as Ibn 'Abbas explained. They are the greatest days of the year, filled with boundless potential for the soul seeking the pleasure of Allah. While the opportunities for reward are countless, there are some special actions you can do to draw closer to Allah during the ten days of Dhu Al-Hijjah.

1. Dhikr

This act of worship requires no effort, and can be done any time and any place. All that is required is presence of mind and heart. Dear brother and sister, engage in these blessed remembrances frequently, specially Takbeer (Allahu Akbar), Tahmeed (Alhamdulillah) and Tahleel (La illa ha illa Allah).

2. Fasting

Can there be a greater deed than fasting purely for Allah's sake? The Prophet (saw) taught us about fasting and its great virtue: "Whoever fasts one day for the sake of Allah, Allah will place between him and the Hellfire a trench equal to the distance between the sky and the earth" (sahih).
Do not forget the reward of fasting the day of Arafah alone. The Prophet (saw) said, "Fasting the day of Arafah erases the sins of two years: the previous year and the coming one."

3. Charity

Our brothers and sisters who made it to Hajj this year have spent selflessly from their wealth and energy to fulfill their obligation to Allah. Do not hold back your own wealth and time. Give generously and try to earn a position with those who will be shaded by the throne of Allah on the Day of Judgment. Remember, {You shall not attain righteousness until you give from that which you love!} (Aal 'Imran, 92)

4. Quran

Make sure, dearest brother and sister, to fill these blessed moments with the Quran. Read it with devotion, ponder its meanings, and involve your heart in listening to this beautiful book.

5. Qiyam al-Layl

If you haven’t started it in the Ramadan, try starting from these blessed days. The Prophet (saw) taught us that these night prayers "are the path of the righteous before you, a source of closeness to your Lord, a guard against wrong, an eraser of sins, and a cure for your bodies" (sahih). That is why the Prophet (saw) would never allow a night to pass without a soothing dose of qiyam.

6. Dua'

Wherever you are and whatever state you are in, remember to turn constantly to Allah, and never tire of asking Him for your needs in this life and the Hereafter.

Dear brothers and sisters, as great as these ten days are, Allah has especially singled out the ninth day, the Day of Arafah. So you too, mark it and make it special.Increase your acts of worship, your remembrance, and your supplication throughout this reat day. This is a day in which salvation from the hellfire is within your reach. The Prophet (saw) said, "There is no day in which Allah liberates more servants from the hellfire than the Day of Arafah" (Sahih).

7. Make a lot of istighfar (seek forgiveness)

8. Pray extra Nawafil (supererogatory prayer)

9. Increase all your good deeds and encourage others as well!


The Sunnah indicates that the one who wants to offer a sacrifice must stop cutting his hair and nails and removing anything from his skin, from the beginning of the ten days until after he has offered his sacrifice, because the Prophet (S.A.W) said:“When you see the new moon of Dhu’l-Hijjah, if any one of you wants to offer a sacrifice, then he should stop cutting his hair and nails until he has offered his sacrifice.”

According to another report he said: “He should not remove anything from his hair or skin.” (reported by Muslim with four isnaads, 13/146)

Finally, what about the day of Eid? Eid is nothing less than one of these blessed days, the tenth and final day. Do not let it pass without the remembrance of Allah: 'alhamdu lilah,' 'la ilaha illa Allah,' and 'Allah Akbar.' Do not let all the good you did in the past nine days be wasted by sinning and forgetting Allah on the last day, a day marked by Allah to celebrate our worship. Wear your best, put on your favorite fragrance, attend the Eid prayer and participate in the festivities. Reach out to your relatives, give charity, and incorporate dhikr, dua', and Quran into this happy day. You began these days seeking the pleasure of Allah, so end them with the pleasure of Allah.

Make the best of these days and keep your angels writing down the amazing deeds InshaAllah.

Oh and obviously don't forget to pray for me :)
