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Teenagers smoke

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Yeh....some people are in sick to use drugs. They thinks that using drugs makes them popular among girls. Unfortunately some girls like people who use drugs. I have seen this type of girls. I think some films also guides teenagers to use drugs.
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Family problems, depression and sometimes they are forced by their friends into doing something like this.
Family problems, depression and sometimes they are forced by their friends into doing something like this.
In some families without any problem between parents and children , the children gets addicted to drugs. The major problem in this types of families is parents don't talk with their child about the problems he or she face. The parents think those problems are nonsense. They are nonsense. But for every human their problems matters to them.
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In some families without any problem between parents and children , the children gets addicted to drugs. The major problem in this types of families is parents don't talk with their child about the problems he or she face. The parents think those problems are nonsense. They are nonsense. But for every human their problems matters to them.

Yes and some parents are way too busy to pay attention to their children and their actions. This has happened to one of my neighbours.
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It goes something like this :

A teenager smokes . This is just for the experience and he is aware of the harmful effects , and so he puts up a deadline . Like
''I will only smoke for three days and then leave it and never smoke again'' . And he achieves this . Smokes only for 3 days and then , quits smoking .
But the thing about drugs is that , once you take them , it takes expert help and a lot of patience and will power to abstain from them. But our teenager is strong , he handles it , and doesn't smoke . But he wasn't the only one who smoked , it was a group of say 4 friends who had decided to smoke , but also made the decision to quit . One of these 4 is unable to keep true to his promise and continues to smoke . His group of 4 friends don't supporting his smoking . They even snatch the cigarettes from his mouth and through them to the ground , just to make him quit . But cravings are cravings , and our smoker continues . He finds out that some of his other friends smoke , so he starts hanging out with them .
Soon , his group of friends decide they can't compel him to quit . So they give up , and just ignore his habit . One of these 4 ( now three ) , decides that as the decision was for all of them to quit , and as it has already been broken , he can also smoke. So he also starts smoking and his welcomed by his friend . The other two try to abstain but one of them gives in , every now and then . The last one is persistent and abstains indefinitely ( and so becomes a passive smoker )
Now these 4 are very popular teenagers and had a lot of friends . These 4 are standing somewhere laughing , and smoking , other teenagers join the crowd . Just to make themselves glow and get noticed by the 4 , these teens ask for the cigarettes .
And so they start smoking , and spread the trend . There are teenagers who only smoke when they are depressed or need to think , so they find an excuse to smoke outside their usual lines . There are teenagers who take smoking as a matter of adulthood and maturity and so they smoke . Some , don't just simply care , and want to enjoy life to the fullest . In the end , because of those 4 , over a hundred teenagers start smoking .

This is a first hand experienced story ( No , i don't smoke , even though majority of my friends do ) . I simply walk away , when they start smoking and come back when they stop . You can't stop a person from doing something they want to do . It's just better to stop yourself from falling prey .
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It goes something like this :

A teenager smokes . This is just for the experience and he is aware of the harmful effects , and so he puts up a deadline . Like
''I will only smoke for three days and then leave it and never smoke again'' . And he achieves this . Smokes only for 3 days and then , quits smoking .
But the thing about drugs is that , once you take them , it takes expert help and a lot of patience and will power to abstain from them. But our teenager is strong , he handles it , and doesn't smoke . But he wasn't the only one who smoked , it was a group of say 4 friends who had decided to smoke , but also made the decision to quit . One of these 4 is unable to keep true to his promise and continues to smoke . His group of 4 friends don't supporting his smoking . They even snatch the cigarettes from his mouth and through them to the ground , just to make him quit . But cravings are cravings , and our smoker continues . He finds out that some of his other friends smoke , so he starts hanging out with them .
Soon , his group of friends decide they can't compel him to quit . So they give up , and just ignore his habit . One of these 4 ( now three ) , decides that as the decision was for all of them to quit , and as it has already been broken , he can also smoke. So he also starts smoking and his welcomed by his friend . The other two try to abstain but one of them gives in , every now and then . The last one is persistent and abstains indefinitely ( and so becomes a passive smoker )
Now these 4 are very popular teenagers and had a lot of friends . These 4 are standing somewhere laughing , and smoking , other teenagers join the crowd . Just to make themselves glow and get noticed by the 4 , these teens ask for the cigarettes .
And so they start smoking , and spread the trend . There are teenagers who only smoke when they are depressed or need to think , so they find an excuse to smoke outside their usual lines . There are teenagers who take smoking as a matter of adulthood and maturity and so they smoke . Some , don't just simply care , and want to enjoy life to the fullest . In the end , because of those 4 , over a hundred teenagers start smoking .

This is a first hand experienced story ( No , i don't smoke , even though majority of my friends do ) . I simply walk away , when they start smoking and come back when they stop . You can't stop a person from doing something they want to do . It's just better to stop yourself from falling prey .
Nice story :) I wanna share something...I think that anyone can stop at anytime, people say that it's hard to stop and there is no way of stopping immediately and that a smoker should reduce..this isn't always true...I smoked (cigarette, shisha, and also weed) for 1 year from when I was 15...but then after one year, I stopped it completely because I realised it was wrong and not cool..I didn't reduce like from three times a week to twice, I just completely stopped and nothing I didnt feel any side effects from stopping immediately...so the idea is that it is impossible if he/she believes it's impossible


XPRS Administrator
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my explanation is odd... but I believe in it....
COZ they are distant from Islam and Quran.....
u'd say no way.. r u mad?
but its da truth if u think abt it:
cool curiosity = well smoking is HARAM (prohibited by Islam).. won't go near it..
Family problems, depression = Islam has cure for that... peace in the salah can take u thru any difficulty... :) plus practical guidance in Quran on how to deal with stuff....
peer pressure = Doesn't Islam tell u to keep gud frnds..?? plus Allah has honoured us by Islam so we need not seek honour in eyes of friends n people...
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Many of my friends smoke, but most of them just do drugs like weed and some stupid thing they invented where they mix ice with cough syrup and some 7up or something... it's disgusting. They even managed to convince one of my best buddies, who wants to become a professional doctor (who took his IGCSE BIology early and got an A*, plus he finished 1 year of IB Biology), to smoke now and then. That just shows you how some are more easily influenced than others, especially in this case as I was shocked since he's studied so much biology and knows the effects. They sometimes make fun of me for not trying it even once like most of them did, but I'm not giving up as easily as my friends.. It's also alarming how teachers at my school smell smoke from the toilets and just ignore it. What has this society turned into o_O
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