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Simple tips... Hope they help :)

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Hi everyone,
Exams are approaching and if you didn't get your head straight then you still have time :)
Everybody needs a routine :) If you don't have one then I suggest that you try the following one.
It really helped me :)

1_ Having a cup of coffee in the morning is essential for me :D
2_ Make your breakfast a little snack, you don't want to feel loaded in the early morning :/
3_ Start revising what you studied yesterday, and if you already finished and just revising for the exam, then start by doing a paper 1 for every subject.
" the reason its a paper 1, is because it has a question from every chapter of the book :) well........................ most of the time"
4_Sink deeper and do a paper 2 of each subject
5_ If your paper has any mistakes, then understand why you made the mistake, and go back to the book and read about the topic which you had a mistake in
6_ Take a break :D do some exercise :) work out and get in shape ;) It'll help you circulate the blood and freshen up :)
If you don't like to work out or exercise, then you can do whatever you like within the range of an hour to two hours. "aka go on facebook;)"
7_Practice from the book. I know that the exams are near and most of us don't wanna go back to the book because we wanna feel like we finished..........
But trust me when I say, the book is ESSENTIAL! Just do the questions in the book. Only when you can do every question in the book correctly, then you can dumb it in the garbage :)
8_ Its not too lat to hit a revision book :) They are short and Great for revision " Obviously"
9_Take another break :) Go do something physical "if you didn't in the first break" talk to friends, see people, "NOT ONLINE!!!!", and don't touch the computer at that time :mad: you can take a walk with a friend, or go see a movie, or go drink coffee in a coffee shop, or go biking with a friend, or .......
Or if everyone is busy, then talk a walk alone. It'll help you organize your thoughts and Priorities :)
10_Do another paper 1 of each subject and then go to BED :)
Sleep early and wake up early :) It really is better and you'll notice that when you try it your self ;)

I hope this simple routine helps everybody :) :) :)
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i think 6 hours of sleep at night is enough....
i have found out that i find very hard to study after 2 till 6 so i usually take a nap inbetween(y)


XPRS Moderator
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well i need 9 hours of sleep minimum....
well i just saw u taking FIVE subjects...ermm srsly..
u cut down the time u sleep...6-8 hours is kinda enough i think
or alternative is ...make ur timetable...not dividing ur time for doing this or that...but instead dividing ur things and deciding what to finish on each day...if u finish what u were supposed to on that particular day then go sleep around 8pm and get up at 5am...


XPRS Moderator
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Assalam-o-alaikum wr wb & hello!

Here's my bit to the topic:

-If you're appearing in this May/June session, DO NOT take/write new notes, other than for your ongoing revision in class/academies.

- Sleep less. This is one of the best investments you can make to make your life more productive and rewarding

- Set aside some time to read some inspirational text, quotes, even 'facebook statuses' of seniors who got selected in their first choice colleges etc. Do this especially when you sit for studying (in morning, maybe). This will, to some extent, set the tone of your day ahead.

- Manage your time very well. As the saying goes, time management is life management.

- Do the task because it is what you love to do, not for money and stuff. That stuff will
come naturally, InshAllah.

- Smile in front of the mirror for at least 3-5 mins ;) I read somewhere that a smile/laugh activates many beneficial chemicals within the body that place us into a very happy state. It's a 'charity', too :]
" We don't laugh because we are happy, we are happy because we
laugh. "

- Try to be humorous throughout the day. Helps in reducing tension, if you're tensed about the papers waghera.

- Associate only with positive, focused people who you can learn from and who will not drain your valuable energy with complaining and uninspiring attitudes. Like, for example, you can talk to me ( in my free time ;) ) Just sayin'.

- Reward yourself for even the smallest of achievement. I've been writing this tip in this forum over and over again. Read it many time in others' tips too. So do this.

- And finally, if you fail to achieve what you've aimed for, be a MASTER INTERPRETER in that situation. Interpret that failure as a positive experience. There are no negative experiences only experiences which aid in your development and toughen your character so that you may soar to new heights. In a nutshell, there are no failures, only lessons.

And ALWAYS, ALWAYS remember the power of Prayer. Pray five times a day. Pray as much nafal prayers as you can.
And if you can, please remember me in those prayers :''] Because, honestly, it took a lot of time to write all this.
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Hi everyone,
Exams are approaching and if you didn't get your head straight then you still have time :)
Everybody needs a routine :) If you don't have one then I suggest that you try the following one.
It really helped me :)

1_ Having a cup of coffee in the morning is essential for me :D
2_ Make your breakfast a little snack, you don't want to feel loaded in the early morning :/
3_ Start revising what you studied yesterday, and if you already finished and just revising for the exam, then start by doing a paper 1 for every subject.
" the reason its a paper 1, is because it has a question from every chapter of the book :) well........................ most of the time"
4_Sink deeper and do a paper 2 of each subject
5_ If your paper has any mistakes, then understand why you made the mistake, and go back to the book and read about the topic which you had a mistake in
6_ Take a break :D do some exercise :) work out and get in shape ;) It'll help you circulate the blood and freshen up :)
If you don't like to work out or exercise, then you can do whatever you like within the range of an hour to two hours. "aka go on facebook;)"
7_Practice from the book. I know that the exams are near and most of us don't wanna go back to the book because we wanna feel like we finished..........
But trust me when I say, the book is ESSENTIAL! Just do the questions in the book. Only when you can do every question in the book correctly, then you can dumb it in the garbage :)
8_ Its not too lat to hit a revision book :) They are short and Great for revision " Obviously"
9_Take another break :) Go do something physical "if you didn't in the first break" talk to friends, see people, "NOT ONLINE!!!!", and don't touch the computer at that time :mad: you can take a walk with a friend, or go see a movie, or go drink coffee in a coffee shop, or go biking with a friend, or .......
Or if everyone is busy, then talk a walk alone. It'll help you organize your thoughts and Priorities :)
10_Do another paper 1 of each subject and then go to BED :)
Sleep early and wake up early :) It really is better and you'll notice that when you try it your self ;)

I hope this simple routine helps everybody :) :) :)
Thanks bro,really appreciate all this help!:)