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Pleasure ? or a disease for the Current Youth ! <must read>

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Assalam u alikum Warakh mutallahi Wabarakatuhu

Nahmaduhu Salo Ala Rasool-hil Kareem amma Ba'ad !

Dear Brothers and sisters , this time i am about to address a very seriouse issue ,that prevails among every third youngster,to whom we have known personaly . Before i can go on discussing this issue , i was just like to address , that although the topic, does seem to be very explicit but admit it everyone does it ! so there's no shame factor or something to be hysterical,about. So... moving on the disease inform of pleasure,that i have mentioned above ,actually refers to Self-gratification , Masturbation or in Shariath " MUSHTZANI" .
Haraam fantasizing leads to the evil habit of self-gratification, because there is no Halaal avenue to satisfy one’s desires. This is a rather disastrous weakness amongst the youth and one should ponder over the various harms which are too many, and these harms are spiritual, physical and psychological harms.

Satisfying one’s desires by masturbating is not permissible even if a person does not have the means to marry. Allah Ta’ala mentions that those who do not find the means to marry should remain chaste.
“And those who do not find the means to marry, should remain chaste until Allah gives them resources by His Grace
Remaining chaste is thus a Divine command which is compulsory to comply with – therefore we will find the Ahadith presenting prescriptions to remain chaste (lowering the gaze, fasting, etc.).
As a prescription, the following harms should be read and re-read if need be, until it is understood that the harms long term are not worth the gratification that comes with the sin.
Some Spiritual Harms :

1 Taufeeq of doing good deeds is taken away. The person is deprived of Tahajjud, of Tilawat of the Qur`aan Sharief, of associating with the pious, etc.
2 The person is deprived of knowledge and finds an aversion to people

3The most dangerous is that the person will not be able to remain steadfast on Deen. (Allah Ta’ala protect).

4 Besides this, a person who satisfies his evil desires in this manner is cursed according to Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam).
Some Physical harms :

The following physical harms have been recorded by highly qualified Hakims, the equivalent of specialist doctors.
1 The bladder becomes weak and this leads to problems in respect to taharah – Wudhu/ salaah and other Ibaadah. There are many that are suffering with involuntary urinary and seminal discharges due to the indulgence in this sin, and they write mentioning the difficulties that are thereafter encountered.
2 It also weakens the nerves.

3 It causes some limbs like the legs to shake and shiver.

4 It causes pain in the vertebra column, the spinal column from which semen is ejaculated. This pain creates crookedness and twisting in the back.

5 It creates weakness in the brain and weakness of memory.

6 It weakens the sight and reduces the normal limit of vision.

7 It causes a person to become old before time.

8 It decreases the natural resistence of the body.

9 It causes harm to the four principle organs in the body : the heart, brain, liver and stomach.

10 It weakens the fine nerves and veins of the sexual organs, resulting in impotency.

11 Excessive loss of semen is in reality excessive loss of blood. In later years, it can be that such a person will not have the ability to father any children.

12It causes an excessive loss of sperm by way of nocturnal emission (wet dreams).
Some Psychological Harms :

It leads to:

1 agitation and irritation over trivial matters,

2 lack of confidence,

3 disinterest in studying :cautious:

4 and desire for isolation.
Much more can be stated in respect to the harms of this sin. So contemplating the above, should give every incentive to give up the sin. No one would like to contend with any one of the above problems and yet just one evil deed and the person has invited waves of calamities upon himself.

If evil desires still get the better, then Nikah is a simple solution. Where the evil desires are so difficult to suppress that the person engages in Haraam then Shariah says that it is Fardh for the person to marry. This is, of course, for those who the ability......... (y)