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Do you believe in love?

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Still what about the stats?

Which stats?

The one which say that marriages in western countries.. 40-50% of them end up in divorce rates.
But in eastern regions the Arranged Marriages only constitute 4% of divorce rate..

Well, the reason for that is.. the greater freedom in western countries, and the higher literacy rate and the fact that 'divorce' is not considered a bad thing.
Women have much more power in USA, Europe and Canada.. as compared to UAE, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and other such eastern countries.
Their are more lawyers there. Divorce lawyers, to be exact.

So if a woman doesn't like where her marriage is going, she just files for a divorce. It's all up to her.

But in eastern countries, most of the population lives in rural areas. For example, i will give the example of my own country Pakistan. Around 50% of the people live in Rural areas. The literacy rate is extremely low. Most people are not aware about anything. They know nothing about the legal system.

So a girl who has an arranged marriage with a man in a rural area, she just feels her life is bound to that man. She has to spend life with him. Even if there are problems, she just bears them. She can't create problems for her family. She doesn't want to give a bad name to her family, because a Divorced woman is looked down upon by other people. 'Divorce' is considered a bad thing in eastern areas. So she just continues to bear everything.
Also, even if she wants to do something.. she is not aware about the proper legal channel to adopt in order to get a divorce, due to the low literacy rate.

In extreme cases, she ends up running away from her home (the example you quoted).
Or she kills her husband, or the husband kills her. (There have been such cases).
Or she kills herself. (Again, many cases. What else do you expect when two people who don't even know have been pushed together to spend their entire freakin' life together without even getting to know each other!)

But overall, the regions of the east are under-developed as compared to the western world. Over there women have much more opportunities.
In Saudi Arabia, women being employed is considered wrong. Women can't drive cars. Women should not be seen in Public without covering themselves.

So all these things create restrictions for women to have freedom. They just stay in their homes and 'bear' the arranged marriage they have been thrust into by their parents.

But in Western countries, there are easy channels to end the marriage. If the couple feels the marriage isn't working, they easily get a divorce. Simple. Problem solved.
It has become an easy thing there, and that leads to the divorce rate there being much higher. USA has a literacy rate of 99%, the highest in the world. Also, Divorce isn't looked down upon over there, like it is in Arranged marriage countries.

So various reasons collectively lead to a higher divorce rate there as compared to the eastern world.

The stats that there is higher divorce rate in marriages in western countries as compared to Arranged marriages in eastern countries is not a test of whether love exists or not. I am sure if the eastern countries were fully developed, and getting divorces was easier, and people had a different approach to the concept of Divorce, the rate of Divorce in Arranged marriages would definitely also be 40-50% as in western countries.
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Which stats?

The one which say that marriages in western countries.. 40-50% of them end up in divorce rates.
But in eastern regions the Arranged Marriages only constitute 4% of divorce rate..

Well, the reason for that is.. the greater freedom in western countries, and the higher literacy rate and the fact that 'divorce' is not considered a bad thing.
Women have much more power in USA, Europe and Canada.. as compared to UAE, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and other such eastern countries.
Their are more lawyers there. Divorce lawyers, to be exact.

So if a woman doesn't like where her marriage is going, she just files for a divorce. It's all up to her.

But in eastern countries, most of the population lives in rural areas. For example, i will give the example of my own country Pakistan. Around 50% of the people live in Rural areas. The literacy rate is extremely low. Most people are not aware about anything. They know nothing about the legal system.

So a girl who has an arranged marriage with a man in a rural area, she just feels her life is bound to that man. She has to spend life with him. Even if there are problems, she just bears them. She can't create problems for her family. She doesn't want to give a bad name to her family, because a Divorced woman is looked down upon by other people. 'Divorce' is considered a bad thing in eastern areas. So she just continues to bear everything.
Also, even if she wants to do something.. she is not aware about the proper legal channel to adopt in order to get a divorce, due to the low literacy rate.

In extreme cases, she ends up running away from her home (the example you quoted).
Or she kills her husband, or the husband kills her. (There have been such cases).
Or she kills herself. (Again, many cases. What else do you expect when two people who don't even know have been pushed together to spend their entire freakin' life together without even getting to know each other!)

But overall, the regions of the east are under-developed as compared to the western world. Over there women have much more opportunities.
In Saudi Arabia, women being employed is considered wrong. Women can't drive cars. Women should not be seen in Public without covering themselves.

So all these things create restrictions for women to have freedom. They just stay in their homes and 'bear' the arranged marriage they have been thrust into by their parents.

But in Western countries, there are easy channels to end the marriage. If the couple feels the marriage isn't working, they easily get a divorce. Simple. Problem solved.
It has become an easy thing there, and that leads to the divorce rate there being much higher. USA has a literacy rate of 99%, the highest in the world. Also, Divorce isn't looked down upon over there, like it is in Arranged marriage countries.

So various reasons collectively lead to a higher divorce rate there as compared to the eastern world.

The stats that there is higher divorce rate in marriages in western countries as compared to Arranged marriages in eastern countries is not a test of whether love exists or not. I am sure if the eastern countries were fully developed, and getting divorces was easier, and people had a different approach to the concept of Divorce, the rate of Divorce in Arranged marriages would definitely also be 40-50% as in western countries.
Still that doesn'take that love exists as we think it is
At least not as we think
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To prevent the extinction of the human race. In simpler words, to make babies. :p
y ? r they assigned as babies producers in this world ? they can also marry give birth then divorce and complete their life without thinking about anyone
don't they have this right ? they do have it ? but y don't they do this
cuz we r not living in a jungle
(ان الله جميل يحب الجمال ) - this is not an evidence for its presence ? its a hadith btw
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y ? r they assigned as babies producers in this world ? they can also marry give birth then divorce and complete their life without thinking about anyone
don't they have this right ? they do have it ? but y don't they do this
cuz we r not living in a jungle
(ان الله جميل يحب الجمال ) - this is not an evidence for its presence ? its a hadith btw

Yeah, exactly.. Humans are not just baby-producers. Marriage is an important institution that should be respected. :p