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*~*~♦ тнᴇ αят ᴏƒ ɢяᴏᴏмɪɴɢ уᴏυя ѕᴏυʟѕ ♦~*~*

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How Kind is Allah!
There lived an idolator in the past who made an idol out of stone and would worship it everyday. He would call it upon it by saying "Ya Sanam." For seventy years, he worshipped this idol. One day by mistake he uttered "Ya Samad" instead of Ya Sanam. Samad is a name of Allah which means The Self Sufficient Master. Allah Ta'ala immediately replied back to this idolator by saying "I am present oh My slave." The angels asked Allah why He replied to him since he didn't even call upon Him intentionally. Allah told the angels that for seventy years I have been waiting for this servant of mine to turn towards Me!
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Hasan al-Basri (rahimaullah) was an eminent scholar and pious individual of his time. He would rarely laugh due to his remembrance of death and the punishment of hell. One day he was going somewhere when he saw a young man indugled in laughter. Hasan al-Basri asked the youth, "Young man, have you already crossed the bridge of Sirath? Have you already found out whether you are going to paradise or hell?" The young man replied, "No." Hasan al-Basri told him, "Then why are you laughing so much?" After that, no one saw this young man laughing again as he came to know the reality of this life.
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Being a Muslim we should Never fear death.
NEVER. But y do we..??? Why do we fear it soo much??? Why dont we want to die?? Why??? Why are we so afraid to die??? Why dont we want to talk on this topic with anyone. Why??? Why do we want this topic to remain closed??? Why?? I still dont know why??? Are we afraid to confront Allah?? Then that means u are NOT a true believer. Believers.. who have true faith in Allah... Whose Emaan is strong.... never fears death. Never. U know... Death..... The meaning of death..... It is soo close to us... In a fraction of a second u may die.... While writing all this i may die.... While doing the wrong u may die. It takes a fraction of second. Forst moment u r here. The Next u r gone. Gone ... Gone to Allah... Wheree ur hisaab will be taken. Where ur pinishments r ready for all the bad u have done and the rewards for all the good u have done. And we. Why have we forgetten death?? Why?? Although we know we are going to die.... And believe me. All of us know..... Then why have we forgotten death so easily. Why are we living in this world as if we will live here forever. Why are we fighting among ourselves.... why are we torturing... why are we hurting people with our words.. with our tounges... with our actions... and with our deeds....Why... The blood related brother doesnt even look like he is someones brother... We dont talk with pur own family for days... we dont even see their faces for days....Our hearts are dead.. we dont have feelings... Im talking about pure feelings.... We dont have them... believe me we dont have them.. Our hearts have become harder than rocks. I am telling u.... If not then this world wouldnt be like this today... We have forgot our prayers... our duas.... our Ikhlaaq.... The Sunnah.... We have forgotten everything... But remember... Kullu nafsin zaaiqatul maut.... Every soul shall taste death.... and u r accountable for what u do... So repent... Repent before its too late... Rabbigfir War hamm.... Rabbig fir warrhamm... Rabbig fir war ham. Ya Rabb... Allahumma Aajirni minnanar.... Oh Allah protect us from the hellfire. Aameen.
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Being a Muslim we should Never fear death. NEVER. But y do we..??? Why do we fear it soo much??? Why dont we want to die?? Why??? Why are we so afraid to die??? Why dont we want to talk on this topic with anyone. Why??? Why do we want this topic to remain closed??? Why?? I still dont know why??? Are we afraid to confront Allah?? Then that means u are NOT a true believer. Believers.. who have true faith in Allah... Whose Emaan is strong.... never fears death. Never. U know... Death..... The meaning of death..... It is soo close to us... In a fraction of a second u may die.... While writing all this i may die.... While doing the wrong u may die. It takes a fraction of second. Forst moment u r here. The Next u r gone. Gone ... Gone to Allah... Wheree ur hisaab will be taken. Where ur pinishments r ready for all the bad u have done and the rewards for all the good u have done. And we. Why have we forgetten death?? Why?? Although we know we are going to die.... And believe me. All of us know..... Then why have we forgotten death so easily. Why are we living in this world as if we will live here forever. Why are we fighting among ourselves.... why are we torturing... why are we hurting people with our words.. with our tounges... with our actions... and with our deeds....Why... The blood related brother doesnt even look like he is someones brother... We dont talk with pur own family for days... we dont even see their faces for days....Our hearts are dead.. we dont have feelings... Im talking about pure feelings.... We dont have them... believe me we dont have them.. Our hearts have become harder than rocks. I am telling u.... If not then this world wouldnt be like this today... We have forgot our prayers... our duas.... our Ikhlaaq.... The Sunnah.... We have forgotten everything... But remember... Kullu nafsin zaaiqatul maut.... Every soul shall taste death.... and u r accountable for what u do... So repent... Repent before its too late... Rabbigfir War hamm.... Rabbig fir warrhamm... Rabbig fir war ham. Ya Rabb... Allahumma Aajirni minnanar.... Oh Allah protect us from the hellfire. Aameen.

Aameen Ya Rabbal 'Aalamiin. :'(

May Allah make us more conscious of Him, and make our hearts soft in the rememberance of Him. Aaameen..
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Being a Muslim we should Never fear death.
NEVER. But y do we..??? Why do we fear it soo much??? Why dont we want to die?? Why??? Why are we so afraid to die??? Why dont we want to talk on this topic with anyone. Why??? Why do we want this topic to remain closed??? Why?? I still dont know why??? Are we afraid to confront Allah?? Then that means u are NOT a true believer. Believers.. who have true faith in Allah... Whose Emaan is strong.... never fears death. Never. U know... Death..... The meaning of death..... It is soo close to us... In a fraction of a second u may die.... While writing all this i may die.... While doing the wrong u may die. It takes a fraction of second. Forst moment u r here. The Next u r gone. Gone ... Gone to Allah... Wheree ur hisaab will be taken. Where ur pinishments r ready for all the bad u have done and the rewards for all the good u have done. And we. Why have we forgetten death?? Why?? Although we know we are going to die.... And believe me. All of us know..... Then why have we forgotten death so easily. Why are we living in this world as if we will live here forever. Why are we fighting among ourselves.... why are we torturing... why are we hurting people with our words.. with our tounges... with our actions... and with our deeds....Why... The blood related brother doesnt even look like he is someones brother... We dont talk with pur own family for days... we dont even see their faces for days....Our hearts are dead.. we dont have feelings... Im talking about pure feelings.... We dont have them... believe me we dont have them.. Our hearts have become harder than rocks. I am telling u.... If not then this world wouldnt be like this today... We have forgot our prayers... our duas.... our Ikhlaaq.... The Sunnah.... We have forgotten everything... But remember... Kullu nafsin zaaiqatul maut.... Every soul shall taste death.... and u r accountable for what u do... So repent... Repent before its too late... Rabbigfir War hamm.... Rabbig fir warrhamm... Rabbig fir war ham. Ya Rabb... Allahumma Aajirni minnanar.... Oh Allah protect us from the hellfire. Aameen.

Ya Rab save us from the hell fire and forgive our sins...Ameen...
1357911 u r doing a great job JazakAllah khair:)
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‎”Don’t be upset if Allah doesn’t grant your dua immediately, but be grateful He doesn’t punish you immediately for your sins.”

Patience is truly virtue, good things happen and bad things are prevented when you wait and you wait patiently. He plans, and He is The Best of All Planners. Let Him decide when it is the right time for you to be rewarded based on not only your public actions that say “look at me, I’m so holy and pious cause I at least pray jummu’ah!” but the silent actions like giving to charity or smiling at a sad person. He knows when you deserve it, and when you will need it the most. He will be there for you, and will never take any opportunity away. Know that regardless of whatever happens, He has planned something better for you. Why? Because He loves you, and knows you more than you may know yourself! ♥
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I believe .. don’t test me.

“Do men think that they will be left alone on saying, ‘We believe’, and not be tried? And certainly We tried those before them, so Allah will certainly know those who are true and He will certainly know the liars.” Surah Al Ankaboot, Verse 1 &2.

Every event in our lives, whether it may be good or bad, happens with Allah’s Permission. Don’t think that just because you say that you’re Muslim, that your life will run smoothly. We sometimes ask ourselves “Why is Allah doing this to me?” or “What bad thing have I done to deserve this?”. How dare we ask these questions! Do you think that Prophet Ibrahim(A.S.) asked Allah “Why are you doing this to me?” when Allah ordered Ibrahim(A.S.) to sacrifice his son Ismail(A.S.)? Why is Allah ordering Ibrahim(A.S.) to do such an act? Simple: To see whether the faith of Ibrahim(A.S.) was true to Allah and not just a facade.

So the next time we are in hardship, we have to remind ourselves that Allah is testing us to see whether or not we’re true to our faith. Jannah won’t come to us for only believing in Allah. We have to EARN it. Everything in life that is worth getting, isn’t easy to get. If it was that easy to get, then there wouldn’t be any value to it. Insha Allah, let’s try to understand that Allah is only testing our faith with these hardships and preparing Jannah for the people who truly deserve it. May we be one of these people. Ameen.

“Nothing in life happens for no reason. Whether we have the wisdom to understand why it happened, is not the problem. The problem comes from not understanding that Allah is not oppressive on His creations.”
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A very beautiful daughter of very rich man in a certain community stepped out of her house to visit her aunt, who lived no more than a few streets away. Suddenly a riot erupted as she had gone halfway and she found herself trapped with apparently nowhere to go. She saw a Masjid nearby and quickly went inside.

Sitting in the women’s section. The rioting continued late into the night and this girl did not know what to do. The custodian of the Masjid was a very young student there and late at night when he walked through the Masjid before locking up he noticed this beautiful young lady.

He was a respectful young man who feared ALLAH and so politely asked her to leave saying that if she was found there then both would be dishonored and thrown out. She pleaded with him because of the extreme danger outside and so he agreed that she could spend the night, and sat down to study at the opposite end of the Masjid.

The girl was unable to sleep with the events of the day. In her mind and so watched the young man sitting studying by candle light at the opposite end of the Masjid. She kept watching him and was very surprised at something she saw. From time to time this young man would extend his hand and keep it over the open flame. Only withdrawing it when the flame obviously became unbearable. He then would resume his studies and continued this throughout
The night until the dawn broke. The young men call the adhan and asked the girl to leave before the congregation started coming to pray since now everything was calm outside.

She agreed on the condition that he tell her why he was placing his hand on the candle flame throughout the night. The young man said that was his own business and so the girl refused to leave until he told her what she wanted to know.

The young man gave in and said, “I am at the age youth and strong desire. We were alone and my desire was increasing, and although I was studying the shaytan would occasionally put temptation in my heart. Hence whenever I would feel any temptation I would put my hand on the flame and my fingers would burn. I would say to myself that this flame is nothing compared to the fire of Hell.”

The girl left the Masjid and reached home, calming her parents’ fears as to what had happened to her. She also confided in her mother that she wanted to marry custodian of the Masjid near their house.

She related the night’s events to her parents and said that only such a man with true fear of ALLAH in his heart can be true to his wife. Only such a man who truly fears ALLAH can fulfill a wife’s rights properly. Hence the poor custodian of the Masjid earned the daughter of a rich household in marriage.
He received this honor not because of his looks but because of his Character!

Everything disintegrates and turns to dust but character remains strong. Honor is not bestowed because of good looks, clothes or beautiful jewelery but because of what is in the heart.


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