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Guranteed A*in Islamiat - Inshallah

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Can anyone explain to me what threshold actually means. I’m gonna be giving my cies in less than 2 months and I want to know the requirement of an a*. Uptil now my teacher gave an a* on 90% but according to the igcse threshold you need only 68?! o_O
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Can anyone explain to me what threshold actually means. I’m gonna be giving my cies in less than 2 months and I want to know the requirement of an a*. Uptil now my teacher gave an a* on 90% but according to the igcse threshold you need only 68?! o_O

Briefly speaking, it indicates the minimum score required by a candidate to achieve a specified grade. Do NOT be overconfident that the threshold is too low because, frankly, they do something unprecedented. For instance, messing with the verse numbers, the theme based questions, 'new' questions, 'seemingly' out of syllabus question, alternative book questions etc.. The requirement of an A* is to actually answer the questions as set. I mean, if the question is reworded, ANSWER ACCORDING TO THE REWORD. One *tries* to copy-paste the material learnt off by heart, and fails miserably. Mature answers are required, with a sound, analytical (and a fact-based) approach. You must be adept at inculcating quotes, the more you know about a topic, the better the grasp.
For instance, CAIE sets a question on the life of Hazrat Sa'd Bin Ubadah or Abu Ayub. Now the majority of the candidates would complain it is out of syllabus but it isn't. CAIE *can* give two questions on first Islamic community or two on ethics and one on first Islamic community. So one can't complain. Those who rote-learn from a single source suffer, unless they are lucky that the teacher had prepared the notes for that question for them. I do not condemn rote-learning but please, evaluation and personal research are equally important. Take the subject as interesting, not boring as it would adversely affect your performance.
I think I have drifted too far; let me come back to the point. The grade threshold tells you the marks required for A*, A etc. BUT they are lower than the ones in school because:
1. Stereotypes
2. Bad advice from senior(s) -> poor performance of candidate(s)
3. Not understanding syllabus completely
4. Relying on one source
5. Selective study
6. Complete reliance on past papers
7. Schools basing exams and assessments on past papers - no attempt to introduce possible CAIE questions
8. The poor format of the school's papers in general - they lack the balancing, order, reason for specific questions, grade barriers etc.
9. Candidate's own lack of will to produce 'new' questions

This is a lengthy topic, but I feel that this is sufficient enough. Prepare for the worst, pray for the best, predict the unknown. Remember these three Ps. Good Luck!
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Need to reach A*? Go through the past papers, UNDERSTAND THE MARKING SCHEME AND THE EXAMINER REPORT, have a grasp on facts and quotes, be good in language to communicate efficiently. Be logical and coherent etc.. Try to make new questions and grade barriers like the events that led to the Conquest of Mecca; Aam-ul-Wafd and 11 A.H. combined etc.. I'll get back tomorrow. :)
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Hey, I need to ask a question. I’ve been learning about 2 refrences per topic (life of the holy propeht) and some ayas are just too long so is it possible that I just mention the relevent part like in the battle of trench “we sent against them a hurricane and forces that ye not saw”. Furthermore, I got the redspot past papers but some of the answers are too complex and long. Is the requirement for 10 marks really that high?
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Yes for A* answer
Hey, I need to ask a question. I’ve been learning about 2 refrences per topic (life of the holy propeht) and some ayas are just too long so is it possible that I just mention the relevent part like in the battle of trench “we sent against them a hurricane and forces that ye not saw”. Furthermore, I got the redspot past papers but some of the answers are too complex and long. Is the requirement for 10 marks really that high?
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Briefly speaking, it indicates the minimum score required by a candidate to achieve a specified grade. Do NOT be overconfident that the threshold is too low because, frankly, they do something unprecedented. For instance, messing with the verse numbers, the theme based questions, 'new' questions, 'seemingly' out of syllabus question, alternative book questions etc.. The requirement of an A* is to actually answer the questions as set. I mean, if the question is reworded, ANSWER ACCORDING TO THE REWORD. One *tries* to copy-paste the material learnt off by heart, and fails miserably. Mature answers are required, with a sound, analytical (and a fact-based) approach. You must be adept at inculcating quotes, the more you know about a topic, the better the grasp.
For instance, CAIE sets a question on the life of Hazrat Sa'd Bin Ubadah or Abu Ayub. Now the majority of the candidates would complain it is out of syllabus but it isn't. CAIE *can* give two questions on first Islamic community or two on ethics and one on first Islamic community. So one can't complain. Those who rote-learn from a single source suffer, unless they are lucky that the teacher had prepared the notes for that question for them. I do not condemn rote-learning but please, evaluation and personal research are equally important. Take the subject as interesting, not boring as it would adversely affect your performance.
I think I have drifted too far; let me come back to the point. The grade threshold tells you the marks required for A*, A etc. BUT they are lower than the ones in school because:
1. Stereotypes
2. Bad advice from senior(s) -> poor performance of candidate(s)
3. Not understanding syllabus completely
4. Relying on one source
5. Selective study
6. Complete reliance on past papers
7. Schools basing exams and assessments on past papers - no attempt to introduce possible CAIE questions
8. The poor format of the school's papers in general - they lack the balancing, order, reason for specific questions, grade barriers etc.
9. Candidate's own lack of will to produce 'new' questions

This is a lengthy topic, but I feel that this is sufficient enough. Prepare for the worst, pray for the best, predict the unknown. Remember these three Ps. Good Luck!

how if i only learn from dr.iftikhar notes history book is shit can i get an A* from learning only sir iftikhar's notes
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Wait whats wrong with nigel kelly? Oh and how much do u think should i write about one a part question in islamiat?
Nothing is wrong with it, except that CAIE has used it for nearly 15 years (for the new pattern) so there isn't any possibility of questions coming from it or Bajwa's. But yeah, Nigel Smith is in use currently so better read it thoroughly atleast once. Explanations are to be extracted from all three books, and if you want to get a 'detailed' (unrevealed CAIE's) ms, you should take the three books and extract EXPLANATIONS from them to make a complete ms (the unfiltered one).
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how if i only learn from dr.iftikhar notes history book is shit can i get an A* from learning only sir iftikhar's notes
Chances are slim as there is currently block marking. The notes itself are good, but unsuited to time - how much is realistically possible to replicate it there? Besides, if you miss a point/explanation the whole answer gets disturbed as it doesn't retain its look e.g. if you skip the evaluation for Ayub's reforms and merely describe it (do NOT do section 3 and foreign relations from Dr. Iftikhar's book; yes, section 1 is good but again, questions are coming from nigel smith like why did Jizya tax cause severe resentment from the Hindus [7].......) then you will be marked it band 2 i.e. out of 6. The notes itself are lengthy but decent although irrelevant. I personally believe that adequate but relevant knowledge scores far better with evaluation than just typical notes. Make your own from Nigel Smith, focus on evaluations and then see how your answer soars in band 4 - I have upgraded myself by this fact too!
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Some notes I prepared (notice the side by side evaluation and skipping of what happened itself)

, . / /.

THREE well-explained successes AND THREE well-explained failures are sufficient for 13/14 but well-prepared candidates try to give 4 each so as to compensate for any ‘ill crimes they may have done’.

In the words of the CAIE Examiner:

" . 2 . 4 "

Sino-Pak Relations, (source: CAIE marking scheme with few adjustments and explanatory comments by me)


· Support for China joining UN in 1952. (Recognition doesn’t always establish ‘diplomatic relations’.)

· Boundary issues settled in 1963 agreement. (Bring into account the reasons and fear for a similar war on boundary as of the Sino-Indian War of 1962; also consider the greater Chinese concessions)

· Trade developed in 1960s – a $60 million long-term interest free loan regarding import of machinery.

· China permitted PIA to use any airport in 1963, in face of opposition from USA. (Refer to Britain’s refusal on landing on Hong Kong and China’s kindness.)

· Increased numbers of visitors from China – journalists, engineers, scientists etc. (Refer to ping-pong tournaments, influx of Chinese tourists in Gilgit, and business meetings – indication of cultural and moral exchange.)

· China gave Pakistan full support during 1965 war with India, including military aid (Refer to the aircraft given and the tanks; the lack of sophisticated technology – China’s determination to assist Pakistan despite herself lagging in that field. Showed that only China was at the disposal of Pakistan when Western powers boycotted her.)

· 1978 Karakoram Highway provided first road link and opened 2 countries up to trade and tourism. (Explain the amount of trade, transit fees and similar statistical significances.)

· 1986 nuclear power treaty signed. (Make a reference to the indication on peaceful terms and the claim of Western powers of China’s assistance in the development of nuclear weapons – shows how close and cooperative the two countries are; one may also consider Zia’s preference on visiting China in 1986 than any other country


· 1950s saw a cooling off as Pakistan supported pro-USA policies. (SEATO/CENTO and that Pakistan received aid from Western powers to resist Communism etc. – make a mature comment that the two nations were not, seemingly, destined to be close allies)

· Concerns during 1950s about border issues. (Evaluate the showing of Pakistani territory in Chinese maps and vice versa.)

· In 1959 Pakistan voted against China’s admission to UN and condemned military action in Tibet. (Reflect China’s and Chou En Lai’s positive attitude of still not taking sides and advocating a peaceful settlement on the Kashmir issue.)

· During the 1971 war with India, China withdrew support for Pakistan due to opposition from USSR which supported India. (But reflect positive attitude, in the final judgement, in terms of loans turned into grants e.g. the $110 million one; China’s reason not to intervene – risk of a war with Soviet Union; give a reason for a reason – the August 1971’s ‘Treaty of Friendship, Peace, and Co-operation.)

· During 1990s China wanted to develop relations with other countries, especially India. (make a solid reference to the 1993 Treaty and the reaction of Pakistan – the resentment over the peaceful cooperation with the ‘rival’)

· China hinted during this time that Pakistan might compromise over Kashmir. (Consider Pakistan’s emotional attachment to Kashmir in view of the past wars and the support for the Muslim brethren.)

· China concerned that Pakistan might stir up Muslims living just over the border in China. (Xinjiang issue and impact on Beijing; consider Nigel Smith for this part or bring into account the possible ‘Talibani’ terrorism in Xinjiang – international resentment on Pakistan’s failure to reach a settlement with China as the radical extremists provoke them on liberation.)

In the final analysis, include the aforementioned judgements IF they were discussed in the answer. Make an overall comment on the relation (NO summary) and justify with 2 valid statistics or logical explanations.
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Nothing is wrong with it, except that CAIE has used it for nearly 15 years (for the new pattern) so there isn't any possibility of questions coming from it or Bajwa's. But yeah, Nigel Smith is in use currently so better read it thoroughly atleast once. Explanations are to be extracted from all three books, and if you want to get a 'detailed' (unrevealed CAIE's) ms, you should take the three books and extract EXPLANATIONS from them to make a complete ms (the unfiltered one).
WHAT! I thought nigel smith was the old and unused one by the cie. Now I’ve already done section one and gonna do section 2 today, should I just leave nigel kelly and use smith? Also wanted to ask the recommended length for an answer (14 mark). If the cie asks why congress rule was hated, there are only 3 main reasons for it; bande matram, wardha scheme and the congress tyranny( various measures taken against them). Now is this enough to get about 13? Oh and is using complex english sentences necessay? I’d say I understand almost all of these redspot past papers but I actually fail to craft such complex sentences, if I meintion relevant dates and explain the reasons, can I get an a*?
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I also wanted to ask a question regarding islamiat. Can i mention surah al maida in god in himself? I know it explains about Hazrat Ibrahim but it also tells about allah’s bountiful attittude. I had some notes that mentioned al maida.
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I also wanted to ask a question regarding islamiat. Can i mention surah al maida in god in himself? I know it explains about Hazrat Ibrahim but it also tells about allah’s bountiful attittude. I had some notes that mentioned al maida.
Do not go for those notes as they use quotes out of syllabus. Read the ms and if it demands, ONLY then use it.
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WHAT! I thought nigel smith was the old and unused one by the cie. Now I’ve already done section one and gonna do section 2 today, should I just leave nigel kelly and use smith? Also wanted to ask the recommended length for an answer (14 mark). If the cie asks why congress rule was hated, there are only 3 main reasons for it; bande matram, wardha scheme and the congress tyranny( various measures taken against them). Now is this enough to get about 13? Oh and is using complex english sentences necessay? I’d say I understand almost all of these redspot past papers but I actually fail to craft such complex sentences, if I meintion relevant dates and explain the reasons, can I get an a*?
I can give more: hoisting of congress flag with union jack to deter ML as they wanted to show there were only 2 parties in India...
Muslim mass contact movement (explain it)
encouragement of extremist groups like Arya Samaj (explain it)
vidya mandir scheme (explain it)
anti-muslim riots (explain)

U need six explanations and we have 8 (5+3) atm
CAIE will understand it as long as it EXPLAINS in history.
If you explain those three reasons, u get atleast 11/14 if you have properly explained. Additional concrete explanation may get u 13/14 too.
Recommended length is approx. 2 sides of a page with some 5-6 words per line and 30 lines per side.
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Do not go for those notes as they use quotes out of syllabus. Read the ms and if it demands, ONLY then use it.
I mean surah al maida is in the syllabus, its actually in allah with his messengers but since it also refletcs upon His bountiful attitude, can I use it in Allah in himself? Also are 500 words for isl question enough?
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Also can I give examples of ijma and qiyas being usef with hadis in how is hadis used to establish law?
Just use muzzzamil mehmood notes. You ll find most answers there. I am saying because little time is left


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