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    Physics P-5

    If you're a brother then *FISTBUMP* bro coz you just saved me from the Google black hole. But Jazak Allahu khairan katheeran katheeran regardless of your gender ^_^
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    IGCSE May/June Grades

    Salaam. What, a distinction? I just don't get why my school hides such information from us ! I didn't even know I could take subjects other than I have been studying until after I registered for IGCSEs -_- Expectation / estimation of grades... IGCSEs Maths - A**** or whatever is the highest...
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    All chemistry Doubts here :)

    Ohhh the atomic mass for Carbon was 12 ! And I thought it was 16 >_<'' Thanks so much pal. Wow, you're really good at explaining :)
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    All chemistry Doubts here :)

    Salaams, http://www.xtremepapers.me/CIE/index.ph ... _qp_03.pdf Qns. 4 (b) (ii) and (iii) of Second Variant... I'm not getting the correct mole ratio somehow, could anyone please do the working for me? :D Jazakum Allah.
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    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    Re: Maths made easy =) stuck sumwhere?Ask ur doubts here!! Salaam guys, where can I get help for Physics? I see those threads for Physics already dried up?
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    Physics paper 3 NOTES.

    May Allah bless you for your help :)
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    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    Re: Maths made easy =) stuck sumwhere?Ask ur doubts here!! Many thanks for the information, nightrider95. It's true that this formula isn't usually found in our text books. I would like to explain the same thing in a different way :) Linear sequences Eg: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10... The difference in...
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    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    Re: Maths made easy =) stuck sumwhere?Ask ur doubts here!! Thanks so much :D
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    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    Re: Maths made easy =) stuck sumwhere?Ask ur doubts here!! Ooooo I get it now ! After breaking my head for 15 minutes, phew... thanks so much pal, sorry to bother you :) They asked us to find the sum of those numbers in the two parts which are not multiples of 3. Since part (iv) answer is the...
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    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    Re: Maths made easy =) stuck sumwhere?Ask ur doubts here!! Nope, still not getting the question completely. Why are we finding the difference between the two numbers here?
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    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    Re: Maths made easy =) stuck sumwhere?Ask ur doubts here!! Thanks a lot abcde :) Ehhem.. sequences aren't 'that' easy sometimes for me :/. I'm still confused with the part (a) (vi)...
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    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    Re: Maths made easy =) stuck sumwhere?Ask ur doubts here!! http://www.xtremepapers.me/CIE/index.ph ... _qp_41.pdf Qns. 9 (a) (iv) to (vi) and also (b) (iii)... seems like I'm not getting the question :/
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    esl writting help ?

    @ Smile27... cool, got it. Thanks very very much.
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    esl writting help ?

    Ahaa... what a relief, thanks so much ! :) As you said to leave one-line gaps in the letter but not in the article... will they deduct marks for this difference?
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    esl writting help ?

    Could anybody tell how's the format for letter and article writings? One of our two English teachers told to keep indent at the beginning of every paragraph and leave one-line gap between them, while the other one said exactly the opposite. Please HELP ! Which one's correct?
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    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    Re: Maths made easy =) stuck sumwhere?Ask ur doubts here!! Go through all the prime numbers till 100 for 2-3 times. That will surely help :)
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    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    Re: Maths made easy =) stuck sumwhere?Ask ur doubts here!! Prime numbers are numbers that can be only divided by themselves to get 1 or by 1 to get themselves (and are NOT divisible by ANY other number). Eg: 5 is a prime number. 5 / 1 = 5 AND 5 / 5 = 1. All even numbers are not prime numbers...
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    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    Re: Maths made easy =) stuck sumwhere?Ask ur doubts here!! Ahaa, I see. I only had to add the area of rectangle beneath. Your calculation is wrong though but still thanks very much for the concept hehe :)
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    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    Re: Maths made easy =) stuck sumwhere?Ask ur doubts here!! The matrix is: (1 0) (1 1) They ask you to find the transformation that maps the image triangle onto the real triangle (object). It is shear with scale factor +1 and y-invariant line.
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    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    Re: Maths made easy =) stuck sumwhere?Ask ur doubts here!! Salaam Math_angel :). My first question of the day : P http://www.xtremepapers.me/CIE/index.ph ... _qp_22.pdf Qns. 21 (b)... the answer I get is 480, the answer in the marking scheme is 960. After doing 3 papers in a row I was still...