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  1. N

    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    dont worry in my school everyone fked up, did everyone do well in your school?
  2. N

    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    guys i got fked sideways, any predictions for an A in p4
  3. N

    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    it will be similar......right?
  4. N

    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    apparently p4 2015
  5. N

    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    thanks! and btw can anyone help me with part 2 of this question https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/r90/11128464_1584170661846421_1786008501494389781_n.jpg?oh=1d69942376ba923741200279686ae95d&oe=55CB07CD&__gda__=1439786632_c2ea98fc441ef3b7f225741d4352e9bb
  6. N

    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    what do you guys think should be the minimum mark for an A in paper 2