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Islamiyat Model answers and notes!

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Aslamo-Alaikum Sir,

I've seen this question in a number of guess papers and was hoping that you can help me solve them according to CIE. Your guidance is deeply appreciated.

Q: Write down a descriptive note on Quran as a reflection of nature.

Similarly this one.

Q: Write down a descriptive note on Quran as basis of though and action in Islam.

Again thankyou!
Walaikum Salam
Q1: Answer: The Holy Quran is composed of words and teachings which are of Allah (S.W.T) Himself. He alone is the author and protector of Holy Quran. Allah himself decided upon and set all the teachings contained in it the words of the holy Quran are the written expressions of Allah al-mighty through which he communicates with mankind no one have the ability to produce book like the holy Quran as Allah says in holy Quran “ even if human beigns and jinn’s should cooperate with one and other to bring forth the book like holy Quran , they would never be able to bring anything like it , even though they all helped one and other”(81:27)
The expressions and the teachings of the holy Quran are unchangeable no body among the humans and the jinn’s as the ability to change it because the Quran will always will be protected from change and alternations or as Allah said in Holy Quran “we have without doubt sent down the message; and we will assuredly guard it (from corruption) (15:9). The purity of of the holy Quran has been preserved since the last 1400 years which is the clear testimony of the Quran’s divine nature.
All distinct features of holy Quran are directives and the instructions contained in the holy Quran are of universal and addressed to all people of all ages "we have explained in this Quran for the benefit of mankind"(39:2) while God revealed old books for particular nation for a particular period. So Quran is the last and perfect book of Allah it is comprehensive book ,it deals with every aspect of life as Allah says in the holy Quran: "This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favors upon you and chosen for you Islam as your religion"(5:3). The earlier books contain only a code or morality and justices, but none was comprehensive to contain a complete code of life so undoubtedly the Holy Quran says “This is an Admonition to all the people of the world........”(81:27)
There are several places in the holy Quran where the stories of the previous Prophets and nation have been narrated by the Allah al-mighty these stories that the Quran narrates to us are true and not fantasy for e.g...the story of Prophet mosses and pharaoh is true for Allah said in the holy Quran “ we recites to you some of the news of the Moses and Pharaoh and truth “ (28:3) these stories are intended for mankind or severe consequences if they failed to obey Allah similar to those who refuses to obey him.
There are several matters which are concern to all yet they cannot be interpreted by human mind logically on its own as Allah says in holy Quran “these are announcements of the unseen……” (11:49) Allah alone himself expertly deals with the unseen things and revealed to us in the holy Quran and gives reasonable explanation to us for e.g. the creations of the universe, life after death, etc. As Allah says in Holy Quran: “and He had set firm the mountains on the earth so that it would not shake with you ….” (16:15)
When certain scientific concepts mentioned in the Quran are studied in the light of 21st century scientific discoveries which were unknown to us like the Quran tells us about three developmental stages of human embryo, which only recently the scientists have discovered
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Walaikum Salam
Q1: Answer: The Holy Quran is composed of words and teachings which are of Allah (S.W.T) Himself. He alone is the author and protector of Holy Quran. Allah himself decided upon and set all the teachings contained in it the words of the holy Quran are the written expressions of Allah al-mighty through which he communicates with mankind no one have the ability to produce book like the holy Quran as Allah says in holy Quran “ even if human beigns and jinn’s should cooperate with one and other to bring forth the book like holy Quran , they would never be able to bring anything like it , even though they all helped one and other”(81:27)
The expressions and the teachings of the holy Quran are unchangeable no body among the humans and the jinn’s as the ability to change it because the Quran will always will be protected from change and alternations or as Allah said in Holy Quran “we have without doubt sent down the message; and we will assuredly guard it (from corruption) (15:9). The purity of of the holy Quran has been preserved since the last 1400 years which is the clear testimony of the Quran’s divine nature.
All distinct features of holy Quran are directives and the instructions contained in the holy Quran are of universal and addressed to all people of all ages "we have explained in this Quran for the benefit of mankind"(39:2) while God revealed old books for particular nation for a particular period. So Quran is the last and perfect book of Allah it is comprehensive book ,it deals with every aspect of life as Allah says in the holy Quran: "This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favors upon you and chosen for you Islam as your religion"(5:3). The earlier books contain only a code or morality and justices, but none was comprehensive to contain a complete code of life so undoubtedly the Holy Quran says “This is an Admonition to all the people of the world........”(81:27)
There are several places in the holy Quran where the stories of the previous Prophets and nation have been narrated by the Allah al-mighty these stories that the Quran narrates to us are true and not fantasy for e.g...the story of Prophet mosses and pharaoh is true for Allah said in the holy Quran “ we recites to you some of the news of the Moses and Pharaoh and truth “ (28:3) these stories are intended for mankind or severe consequences if they failed to obey Allah similar to those who refuses to obey him.
There are several matters which are concern to all yet they cannot be interpreted by human mind logically on its own as Allah says in holy Quran “these are announcements of the unseen……” (11:49) Allah alone himself expertly deals with the unseen things and revealed to us in the holy Quran and gives reasonable explanation to us for e.g. the creations of the universe, life after death, etc. As Allah says in Holy Quran: “and He had set firm the mountains on the earth so that it would not shake with you ….” (16:15)
When certain scientific concepts mentioned in the Quran are studied in the light of 21st century scientific discoveries which were unknown to us like the Quran tells us about three developmental stages of human embryo, which only recently the scientists have discovered
Q2: Answer: The Holy Quran is the last sacred book of Allah which is the only book which is pure scripture in its true form. The Holy Quran is not just a book; it is a book of warning from Allah Al-Mighty. It is a book of warnings, directives and instructions revealed for the guidance and betterment for mankind for all times. The Quran says “Blessed is He who sent down the criterion to His servant, that it may be an admonition to all creatures” (25:1). The central theme of the Quran is the Tawheed, belief in messengers, belief in the Hereafter and the designation of man as Allah’s deputy. The Quran talks about the origin of the man (96:1-5) the structure of the earth and heavens. It talks about the past civilizations and criticizes the conduct of different nations. The Quran contains directives for the head of the state as well as for common man, rich and as well for the poor, for peace as well as war, for spiritual well being as well as material prosperity.
The Holy Quran commands to educate and convince people about the usefulness of its injunctions. The Quran lays down the rules and regulations relating to life " Surely , we have send down to you [O Muhammad (S.A.W)] the book [this Quran] in truth that you might judge between men by that which Allah has shown you (that is has taught you throw divine inspiration) , so we not pleader for the treacherous " (4:105) Islamic law assess individual actions as they relate to fundamental values that each law tries to preserve, ranging from individual well-being to property and wealth, these values are on the basis of Islamic principles of moral thoughts and action. The five fundamental principles are the heart of Islamic law represents values of accountability and public order protected by jurisprudence as the Quran says: "we have explained in this Quran for the benefit of mankind"(39:2): life, religion, reason/mental faculty, property, and progeny. From an Islamic legal point of view, civil society is governed by laws that regulate the financial and family relationships that exist in the public sphere. Criminal behavior is also an issue that received extensive treatment in books on Islamic law. The scripture of Islam is, by contrast, rather limited in its specification of particular punishments for criminal acts. According to the text of the Quran, few crimes have prescribed punishments. These include apostasy, theft, adultery, murder, slander, highway robbery, and the consumption of alcohol. Looking at Islamic law as a whole, it becomes clear that laws regulating punishment for criminal behavior are meant to preserve the values enumerated above. These five "fundamentals" are the values upon which the philosophy of Islamic law is based.
The Holy Quran talks about the pillars of Islam e.g. it says: “And they have been commanded no more than this: to worship Allah offering Him sincere devotion, been true (in faith) to establish regular prayer; and to practice regular charity; and that is the religion right and straight.” (98:5). The Holy Quran also gives the honor to make treaties with other nations and to conduct international relations with peaceful means. The Quranic principals on the conduct of war prohibit the killing of women and children; waging a war of aggression; destroying places of domicile; and killing prisoners of war etc. The Holy Quran requires Muslims abide by their contracts because they would be made to account in the Hereafter for the promises that they have made. So Quran as provided and regulate our lives in accordance with its command: “Verily this Quran doth guide to that which is more right (or stable) ………..” (17:9).
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Thankyou very much sir!
I'd also appreciate if you'd help me in writing about "Holy Prophet as the Seal of Prophets" as the info I have is way to less.
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10 marks, sir.
Question: What is the Islamic Belief on Finality/Seal of Prophethood According to the Quran Sunnah?
Answer: The holy Quran and the holy Prophet's Ahadith (teachings) eloquently prove that Prophethood (‘nabuwwat’ and ‘risalat’) came to an end with our Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). There are decisive verses to that effect. Being the last Prophet in the chain of Prophethood, no one ever shall now succeed him to that status of dignity.The Seal of Prophets’ is a title to indicate that Prophet Hood came to an end. This means the long line of Prophets started with Hazrat Adam (A.S) and terminated with the last Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and no other Prophet will follow. In Arabic it means to complete a task, to put a seal at the end of something and to seal a writing document. The word Prophets in the phrase denotes the conveyance of revelation to some superior and skilled individual so that these individuals may communicate these messages to their particular societies. In this context the ‘Seal of Prophets’ signifies that the intermediation between Allah and worshippers came to an end. Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W)'s Prophethood is distinguished in many ways: The religon of Islam brought by the Prophet (S.A.W) is a perfect religon and deals with all the facets of human life i.e. political, economic, athical, legal and social aspects it is perfect in all the respects. The Quran says, “This day I have perfected your religon for you, completed my favours upon you and have chosen for you Islam as your religion”. (5:4).
The Prophethood of the Prophet (S.A.W) is eternal. The Quran says, "Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Messenger of Allah, and the Seal of the Prophets: and Allah has full knowledge of all things." (Holy Quran, 33:40) The Prophet (S.A.W) declared that he was the final Prophet. There are a large number of Ahadith to sustain this article of Islamic faith. Not only that but the Prophet (S.A.W)) was also pleased to bring forth such expositions of this word (‘Khatam-un-Nabieen). Hafiz Ibn-e-Hazam says on page 77 of his Kitab-ul-Fasl:"All those personages who have dwelt upon the subject of Muhammad'(S.A.W) Prophethood, his miracles and expounded the holy Quran, have stated that he (S.A.W) had informed that there would be no Prophet after him."Finality of Prophethood is an article of faith by the Quran’s text and Mutawatir Ahadith. “From Abu Huraira, (R.A): Allah’s messenger(S.A.W) said:
“Certainly my example and the example of Prophets earlier than me is like the example of a palace most elegant and most beautiful constructed by a person except (that he left in it) a blank space for a brick in one of its corners and that made the people (who were) going around it wonder (at its marvellousness) and exclaimed (in perplexion): “Why not is this brick inlaid in here!” The Prophet (S.A.W) said, “I am that (corner’s last) brick and I am the last of the Prophets”. (Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 1, p.501 & Sahih Muslim, Vol. 2, p.248)
The above Hadith is also related by Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah, (Allah be pleased with him,) and is included in Musnad Ahmad, Sahih Muslim and Jama-e-Tirmizi. Sahih Muslim’s narration ends with these words:
“Said Allah’s messenger(S.A.W) “So I am in place of this brick; I came and so I completed the chain of the Prophets”.
“From Abu Huraira, (Allah be pleased with him): Allah’s messenger Muhammad(S.A.W) said: “I have been bestowed with excellence over (other) Prophets in six respects: (1) I have been gifted with comprehensive words, (2) I have been helped through awe (being put in the hearts of enemies) (3) spoils have been made lawful to me, (4) the whole earth turned into a mosque for me and a means of purification, (5) I have been ordained as the Prophet for all humanity, and (6) the line of the Prophets has been terminated with me”. (Sahih Muslim, Vol.1, p.199, Mishkat, p.512).It is a universal message for the entire mankind. Muhammad (S.A.W) was not sent down for any particular country or nation but to the whole world. The Quran says regarding it, “And we have not sent you (O Muhammad!)Save as a bringer of good tidings and a Warner to all mankind.” (34:2 Abu Huraira (R.A) relates from the Prophet (S.A.W) that: “the Bani Isreal were led by their own Prophets, when one Prophet died another Prophet took his place but there shall be no Prophet after me that there shall be Caliphs and they will be many”. (Sahih Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Manaqib). “Verily, Allah the Exalted will send down to this Ummah such men at the head of every century as will revive the Deen for it” (the Ummah). (Abu Dawood, Vol. 2, p. 233)
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Dear FateO....... the question.......Q: Write down a descriptive note on Quran as a reflection of nature.? who gave you this question? second for the answer you must know uloom ul Quran, this means you have to write about all the themes in the Quran......which is not possible so i tried to cover your answer through the characteristics of the Holy Quran........
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asalam o alaikum

sir can you plz answer the following 2 Qs :

Q1 : How was the Holy Quran Compiled in the lifetime of Holy Prophet (SAW). (10)


Q2 : Give an account of the Holy Prophet's experience in caves . (10)
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Dear FateO....... the question.......Q: Write down a descriptive note on Quran as a reflection of nature.? who gave you this question? second for the answer you must know uloom ul Quran, this means you have to write about all the themes in the Quran......which is not possible so i tried to cover your answer through the characteristics of the Holy Quran........

Aslamo-Alaikum sir,

I saw it in Dr Iftikhar's Guess Paper so i thought i might attempt it . So there's no chance of it coming then ?
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sir can u tell me the answer of the question
write about muslim belief in predesination and decree? 10 marks
i am not sure how should i write it..
and how do muslim put the teaching of shadat in other four pillars of islam? 4 marks
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well sir irfan i too apologize for my actions well lets forget that i've seen that you have checked other student's papers and so could you check this for me according to CIE standard and give me the marks


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Dear nabeel total lack of knowledge though some parst are good but not good enough...... now read this and look in the marking scheme coz ur answer must have these point.....
Question: Write about the life of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) up until the first revelation? [10]
Answer: It was the year of the Elephant 570 A.D (12 Rabi-ul-Awal) a child was born to Hazrat Bibi Amna. The child was born into the noblest family among the Arabs, which was one the noblest branches of Quraish namely Banu Hashim.The child’s grandfather Abdul Muttalib gave him the name Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Abdul Muttalib Bin Hashim Bin Abdul Manaf Bin Qussay bin Qilab a famous branch of the lineage of Hazrat Ismail (A.S). His mother called him Ahmed. Muhammad (S.A.W) grew up an orphan, for his father Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib died before his birth.
According to the customs of Arabs the child’s upbringing was interested to Bibi Haleema Sadia who belonged to the tribe of Banu Saad. When Muhammad (S.A.W) was 4 years old, as related by Anas (R.A) in Sahih Muslim, Jibrael came down and ripped his chest open and took out the heart. He then extracted a blood clot out of it and said: “That was the part of Satan in thee.” And then he washed it in the water of ZamZam in the gold basin. In 576 A.D at the age of six Haleema Sadia brought Muhammad (S.A.W) back to his mother.
In 577 A.D Bibi Amna decided to visit Mohammad (S.A.W)’s father’s grave in Yasrib (Madinah). She went to Yathrib along with Muhammad (S.A.W) and her woman servant Umm-e-Ayman. After visiting the grave they were returning to Makkah, Bibi Amna had a severe illness and died at a place called Abwa (Ibne Hisham 1/ 168). Umm-e-Ayman brought back Muhammad (S.A.W) to his grandfather Abdul Muttalib. He had warm passion towards Muhammad (S.A.W) his orphan grandson. Abdul Muttalib loved him more than his own children. When Muhammad (S.A.W) was 8 years, 2 months and 10 days old his grandfather Abdul Muttalib passed away in Makkah in 579 A.D.
The charge of Muhammad (S.A.W) was now passed on to his uncle Abu Talib. He also loved and cared about Muhammad (S.A.W) more than his own children. When he was a boy Muhammad (S.A.W) looked after the flocks of Abu Talib he (S.A.W) said about that “Allah sent no messenger who was not a shepherd, Moses was a shepherd Daud (A.S) was also a shepherd” (Sahih Muslim).
In 583 A.D at the age of 12 Muhammad (S.A.W) accompanied his uncle Abu Talib on a trade journey to Syria. There he met a Christian monk named Bahira who saw the signs of Prophet Hood in Muhammad (S.A.W). He spoke high of him and told Abu Talib to take very special care of his nephew and protect him from the wiles of Jews.
Muhammad (S.A.W) was hardly fifteen when the sacrilegious war started in 585 A.D at the fare of Ukaz. Muhammad (S.A.W) participated with his uncle but his role did not extended beyond picking up the stray arrows and handing them to his uncle Abu Talib. After the sacrilegious war was ended in the year 590 A.D some noble people of Makkah formed a confederacy for suppressing violence and injustice and vindicating the rights of the weak and destitute. This confederacy was known as Half ul-Fazul. Muhammad (S.A.W) was present on the occasion of the oath and was greatly happy with its aim. He said in later years “I would not exchange for the choicest camel of all Arabia, the remembrance of being present on the oath of Half ul-Fazul”.
Muhammad (S.A.W) led a virtuous and pious life. He was honest and always fulfilled his promises. He was considerate, kind, thoughtful, fore bearing, broad minded, noble hearted and a man of principals. He kept himself away from gambling, drinking and other evil vices for all great qualities the Makkans gave him the title Al-Saddiq and Al-Ameen.
In 595 A.D At the age of 25 he went to Syria as a merchant for Khadija (R.A). Ibne Ishaq reported that Khadija daughter of Khwailid was a business woman of great honor and fortune. She also sent her hireling Maisarah with Muhammad (S.A.W) to Syria for trade (Ibne Hisham 1/187-188) when he returned to Makkah from Syria; Muhammad (S.A.W) sold her trade 10 times more than the value she used to get before Muhammad (S.A.W). Hazrat Bibi Khadija was very impressed from Muhammad (S.A.W). She told her wish of marring Muhammad (S.A.W) to her friend Nafeesa who went and proposed Abu Talib for the hand of Muhammad (S.A.W). He agreed and subsequently in September 595 A.D they were married. Khadija bore all six children: Abul-Qasim, At-Tahir, Zainab, Ruqaya, Umm-e-Kulsum and Fatima.
In 605 A.D When Muhammad (S.A.W) 35 years old a flood came and destroyed the Kaabah. Quraish decided to rebuild Kaabah. When the question of placing the black stone arose a dispute started among the tribes who were eager to place the black stone. The dispute almost turned into bloodshed, a wise person said whoever enters the Kaabah first will decide and the next morning none other than Muhammad (S.A.W) was the one who entered into the vicinity of Kaabah. It was the greatest arbitration of the greatest man in the history of mankind Muhammad (S.A.W) who with his arbitration resolved the dispute by placing the black stone in a sheet and asked the leaders of all the tribes to lift it up where it was to be placed than Muhammad (S.A.W) himself deposited the black stone in its place thus because of the wisdom and diplomacy solved the crisis.
A few years before his Prophet Hood in 605 A.D Allah made him like to go out to the Mount Nur and into the cave of Hira which is on the northwest side 3 kilometers from Makkah where he would stay alone for hours, days and as he approaches to 40 the meditation increased to months and he thought about the signs of Allah’s creation and His power. He continued to do this. (Sahih Bukhari 1/540; Rehmat Al-Alilalamin 1/47).[/quote

The hadith "Verily I am the most perfect Arab amongst you; my descent is the from Quraish and my tongue is the tongue of Banu Saad".is from the book Yasmeen malik
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sir Irfan Atique .. thank you for your help....:)

some more questions for you...
Q.explain the importance of pledges of aqabah to the prophet (S.A.W) in period leading to migraion? (4)
Q what is the importance of quran being revealed over a period of time? (4) nov 2012
and how can questions come on this topic.... i mean wht type of question... Muslim relation with other states....
sir i will be reallly thankful to u if u provide them soon .... becuz paper is too close:eek: .. please sir...
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sir Irfan Atique .. thank you for your help....:)

some more questions for you...
Q.explain the importance of pledges of aqabah to the prophet (S.A.W) in period leading to migraion? (4)
Q what is the importance of quran being revealed over a period of time? (4) nov 2012
and how can questions come on this topic.... i mean wht type of question... Muslim relation with other states....
sir i will be reallly thankful to u if u provide them soon .... becuz paper is too close:eek: .. please sir...
B: Explain the importance of pledges of Aqabha to the Prophet (S.A.W) in the period leading up to the migration? [4]
Answer: At the end of the socio-economic boycott the Prophet (S.A.W) lost his Wife and the death of his uncle Abu Talib in the year of grief in 619 A.D. Abu Talib's death marked the end of his protection as the new chief of Banu Hashim, Abu Lahb, refused this unconditional shelter. After Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) went to Taif to spread the message, he was severely tormented and humiliated by the vagabonds of Taif, wearied, mortified, he came back to Makkah from Taif. Tribalism was at its peak at that, a person without a tribal protection was treated like a slave, and even Prophet (S.A.W) belongs to the tribe of Banu Hashim but the leader was his worst enemy Abu Lahb. So Prophet (S.A.W) now has no protection. In the 11th year, a group of 6 men from Yasrib (Madinah) came to Makkah for the annual pilgrimage. They (S.A.W) Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) preaching to the pilgrims, they were moved by the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and met the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) at the place called Aqabha where they accepted Islam. The next year another batch from the pilgrims from Yasrib came which consist of about 75 people, they pledged on the hands of Prophet (S.A.W). They invited him (S.A.W) to their hometown Yasrib (Madinah) and they also gave their promise to protected Holy Prophet (S.A.W). These 2 pledges of Aqabha paved away for the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) to migrate from Makkah to Madinah where he (S.A.W) was given all the authorities as their leader of the people of Yasrib. Thus the pledges of Aqabha are the most important factor for the migration.
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B: Explain the importance of pledges of Aqabha to the Prophet (S.A.W) in the period leading up to the migration? [4]
Answer: At the end of the socio-economic boycott the Prophet (S.A.W) lost his Wife and the death of his uncle Abu Talib in the year of grief in 619 A.D. Abu Talib's death marked the end of his protection as the new chief of Banu Hashim, Abu Lahb, refused this unconditional shelter. After Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) went to Taif to spread the message, he was severely tormented and humiliated by the vagabonds of Taif, wearied, mortified, he came back to Makkah from Taif. Tribalism was at its peak at that, a person without a tribal protection was treated like a slave, and even Prophet (S.A.W) belongs to the tribe of Banu Hashim but the leader was his worst enemy Abu Lahb. So Prophet (S.A.W) now has no protection. In the 11th year, a group of 6 men from Yasrib (Madinah) came to Makkah for the annual pilgrimage. They (S.A.W) Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) preaching to the pilgrims, they were moved by the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and met the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) at the place called Aqabha where they accepted Islam. The next year another batch from the pilgrims from Yasrib came which consist of about 75 people, they pledged on the hands of Prophet (S.A.W). They invited him (S.A.W) to their hometown Yasrib (Madinah) and they also gave their promise to protected Holy Prophet (S.A.W). These 2 pledges of Aqabha paved away for the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) to migrate from Makkah to Madinah where he (S.A.W) was given all the authorities as their leader of the people of Yasrib. Thus the pledges of Aqabha are the most important factor for the migration.
Q what is the importance of quran being revealed over a period of time? (4)
That period of 23 years was necessary for those who lived at that time to understand, interiorize and apply the Revelation easily. The Quran instituted a great deal of change, through prohibitions and commands and through new reforms of the deepest consequence. However, it established all of them in stages over time, as the need for guidance arose, without discouraging, or grinding down morale: warning and condemnation preceded prohibition; appeal and exhortation preceded command. For instance, intoxicating drinks were prohibited in three or four stages; burying girls alive in two stages; uniting warring tribes, and building up a close-knit society based on brotherhood and thus raising the collective consciousness in a couple of stages. These difficult reforms were not gestured at or expressed in slogans─they were achieved. The believers needed this period to reform and so become reformers.
Today, we design our projects according to past experience and future possibilities. Taking possible social and economic fluctuations into account, we make our plans flexible, and try to leave room for probably necessary modifications of detail. Just like a young tree, the Muslims in the early days of Islam grew slowly, adapting to new conditions gradually and thus developing naturally. Every day new people were coming into Islam, and the new Muslims were every day learning quite new and different things, gaining in Islamic consciousness, training themselves to act upon Islam and thus become members of a society rather than being separate individuals and clans in a state of war. Their individual characters and personalities, their whole lives, were re-shaped and re-ordered totally in accordance with the precepts of Islam and the Quranic guidance. Such was the magnitude of their spiritual, moral, intellectual and even physical regeneration. It was achieved through a balanced synthesis between worldly life and spiritual advancement, and it happened slowly, continuously and harmoniously, in stages over time
Question: What are the main features of Islamic society from the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet (S.A.W)?
Question: Describe three examples from the life of the Prophet and the Rightly Guided Caliphs that show the relations between the early Muslim state and other states. [10]
Question: What are the Islamic teachings of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in relation with other states and other states?[10]
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well sir irfan i too apologize for my actions well lets forget that i've seen that you have checked other student's papers and so could you check this for me according to CIE standard and give me the marks
For give and forget dear........ no problem....we cool now!