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*~*~♦ тнᴇ αят ᴏƒ ɢяᴏᴏмɪɴɢ уᴏυя ѕᴏυʟѕ ♦~*~*


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i need a lecture for questions like this : "how do i know islam is the true religion?' why i should be muslim?

There are far too many ways n points of views from which that question may be answered, depends on where ur heart n mind find it more satisfying... Allah s.w.t created us differently... so if u read n think about Quran different parts appeal to different ppl..
Then we are made up of 2 aspects/parts.. the physical body with its intellect n the rooh/inner self (even non-muslim philosophers get to this).. so the message of Islam.. appeals to both the intellect n the heart/rooh... even for solutions to problems n laws in islam.. u find them appealing to mind n heart n realistic...

Mind part:
when I was young, i learned about scientific facts in Quran.. that were truly amazing.. how casually Allah s.w.t will tell us that universe is expanding in such an old text n later science discovered with so much trouble that this was the case.. stuff like that made me realize this is a book by some1 far greater than all of the intellect of humanity combined.. that this really was the creator, the sustainer, the Rabb talking.. how Allah s.w.t says ala ya'lamu man kalaq wa huwal lateeful khabeer "Does He who created not know, while He is the Subtle, the Acquainted?" (67:14)
Only the maker n the care taker could speak like that.. could refer to the creation of earth n our own selves (all the amazing biology in quran) could be this accurate... n then there is the wisdom.. it is one thing to be accurate about facts, its another to fix solutions like no one can! like humans always get the laws wrong.. u use tax payer money to jail up criminals only to release them later (to keep jail population low/under control) n see them cause havoc.. or come out worse.. how the employer wants more money to himself n wants not to pay the worker.. n how there is imbalance n human relations.. then the Quran will give u profoundly wise solutions in such a concise book.. its unreal..!
later after growing a bit(m still a kid :p) i learned there are other aspects as well.. that Quran is treasure trove of jewels.. if a philosopher goes in it, they bring profound stuff in their field.. if a linguist dives.. they fall in love with the divinely beautiful n amazing language.. that in every way its a miracle by the one who created us n loves us n guides us... that all of these miraculous aspects of that book make r intellect submit.. that indeed if anyone wants to live a successful life.. this is the way.. learn n apply the teachings of Allah... like coz i know its divine n always correct... it only makes sense to follow it.. n once u follow it.. u get gifts from Allah one the way.. the peace in life, the tranquility.. that u have strength even in a storm to talk to Allah n be ok.. where others in same storm will go to drugs etc to escape n will find no true relief in it... Alhamdulillah!

heart part:
well this is simple.. when we pray.. when we do sincere dua after a long tym.. when we cry in salah.. all of that gives the heart a calm n relief frm sadness.. a kind of a spiritual high that u know this is the truth... how awesome is the ramadan feeling.. :D
i remember Yusuf Estes once he said before he became muslim, he saw the muslim man he used to debate abt islam with, praying by prostrating in a direction (qiblah)... he later prostrated in same direction n asked sincerely that God if u r there guide me.. n after that he knew in his heart n took shahadah... so the worship n learning the deen etc.. all of it makes the rooh testify that Allah is my master n I am his slave... :)
wallahu aalam.. hope i make sense... sorry if this is too long..


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Our hearts have been created in a way which makes them dominated by emotion. Sadness is perhaps one of its most powerful states, and the fact that we have so many different words for sadness which all cover different time periods that the heart will be sad, illustrates deeply how soft and sensitive our hearts are.

For example, we know three common words from the Sunnah that describes states of sadness i.e. huzn الحزن, hamm الهم, and ghamm الغم. The difference between them as Ibn al-Qayyim mentioned is that al-huzn refers to a depressed state because of something that happened in the past, al-ghamm is grieving about that which is happening now, and al-hamm is being anxious and worried about something that could happen in the future.

There are no time periods that exist other than the past, present and future. That shows the heart cannot escape being depressed, and we should treat those who are sad with the utmost of love and understanding who need help and support to change to a better state. Yes, it is in the nature of the heart to change, indeed that is why it's called the Qalb.

Not being able to escape sadness in life doesn't mean it cannot be treated when it occurs. Just remember though that trying to treat sadness with worldly comforts will always be deficient; true healing only comes from the Qur'an and being able to connect to it at that deeper level which makes you understand that sadness is a natural part of life that will raise you in this life and the next if you view it within its correct context, and not allow it to consume you.

That's why the Prophet (s) would made du'a for the Qur'an to remove these states. The Qur'an. Anything else will just not cut it. The Qur'an was made to remove sadness, you just need to reflect on it more often, and deeper, for that to happen.

اَللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي عَبْدُكَ، وَابْنُ عَبْدِكَ، وَابْنُ أَمَتِكَ، نَاصِيَتِي بِيَدِكَ، مَاضٍ فِيَّ حُكْمُكَ، عَدْلٌ فِيَّ قَضَاؤُكَ، أَسْأَلُكَ بِكُلِّ اسْمٍ هُوَ لَكَ، سَمَّيْتَ بِهِ نَفْسَكَ، أَوْ أَنْزَلْتَهُ فِي كِتَابِكَ، أَوْ عَلَّمْتَهُ أَحَدًا مِنْ خَلْقِكَ، أَوِ اسْتَأْثَرْتَ بِهِ فِي عِلْمِ الْغَيْبِ عِنْدَكَ، أَنْ تَجْعَلَ الْقُرْآنَ رَبِيعَ قَلْبِي، وَنُورَ صَدْرِي، وَجِلاَءَ حُزْنِي، وَذَهَابَ هَمِّي

-Sh. Abu Esa


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"When My servants ask you about Me, indeed I am near. I respond to the call of one who calls, whenever he calls to Me: let them, then, respond to Me, and believe in Me, so that they may be rightly guided." (2:186)

And this is so beautiful. Nouman Ali Khan's explanation on this is just awesome

GEM 1:

Like how Allah uses the word 'when' instead of 'if'.
For instance, I have to go out, and I expect a friend to come home during my absence. So I'd tell my sibling, 'when' my friend comes, give them this.
As opposed to saying 'if' my friend comes, because 'if' implies uncertainty, you aren't sure if they'd come or not, but when we use the word 'when', its something that's expected.
Similarly Allah knows, we'd call Him, and He waits for us...

GEM 2:
in the first phrase, Allah is telling the prophet (peace be upon him) that when they ask you, however Allah is so eager that He doesn't want to delay the answer to what next, when the servant asks about Me. And so in the next phrase, He himself responds: Indeed I'm near....


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And this is so beautiful. Nouman Ali Khan's explanation on this is just awesome

GEM 1:

Like how Allah uses the word 'when' instead of 'if'.
For instance, I have to go out, and I expect a friend to come home during my absence. So I'd tell my sibling, 'when' my friend comes, give them this.
As opposed to saying 'if' my friend comes, because 'if' implies uncertainty, you aren't sure if they'd come or not, but when we use the word 'when', its something that's expected.
Similarly Allah knows, we'd call Him, and He waits for us...

GEM 2:
in the first phrase, Allah is telling the prophet (peace be upon him) that when they ask you, however Allah is so eager that He doesn't want to delay the answer to what next, when the servant asks about Me. And so in the next phrase, He himself responds: Indeed I'm near....
IKR! i thought of posting the lec he has on it here later.. :p
n indeed.. alhamdulillah!


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You cannot give what you yourself do not possess. Without constantly building your own spiritual peace, you cannot spread it to others. You cannot call to something that you don't have. In a world that offers too many platforms to too many people to perpetually preach, practice has become that much more difficult. Build yourself, then construct the world around you.
- sh omar sulaiman


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The same way we exercise our bodies, exercise your heart by forming good habits for it. Start with getting into the habit of giving people the benefit of the doubt. You don’t know their circumstances or their situations. Exercise your heart by going out of your way to make excuses for others. You'll find that this will save you more stress, heartache, and difficulty than you would ever expect!


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‘Our Lord (highly glorified is He) descends every night to the lowest heaven, when only one third of the night remains. He says, “Who will call on Me, so that I would answer him? Who will ask Me, so that I would give him? Who will seek My forgiveness, so that I would forgive him?"
—Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him (Bukhari and Muslim)


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“It’s better if she just takes it off!” I cannot recount how many times I’ve heard this said of a sister who wears hijab or niqaab in a way that someone disapproves. And each time I hear it, I think, “For whose sake should she stop the good she’s doing? Allah’s or yours?”

Please tell me, dear brother and sister, if you think a believer should abandon a righteous act just because they fall short in fulfilling it, should we also abandon our prayers, our fasting, our reciting Qur’an and even being Muslim itself?
For it’s quite likely that whatever mistakes you think you see in someone’s clothes, your mistakes in these greater matters are more serious in front of Allah…

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Verily a man shall utter a word which he thinks of little consequence, and fall headlong into the Fire for it a distance of seventy years” (Al-Haakim).

O Allah! I seek refuge in You from commanding the evil and forbidding the good!

—an excerpt of “PAIN. From the Journal of Umm Zakiyyah"

Read full eBook: ummzakiyyah.com/product/pain
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“It’s better if she just takes it off!” I cannot recount how many times I’ve heard this said of a sister who wears hijab or niqaab in a way that someone disapproves. And each time I hear it, I think, “For whose sake should she stop the good she’s doing? Allah’s or yours?”

Please tell me, dear brother and sister, if you think a believer should abandon a righteous act just because they fall short in fulfilling it, should we also abandon our prayers, our fasting, our reciting Qur’an and even being Muslim itself?
For it’s quite likely that whatever mistakes you think you see in someone’s clothes, your mistakes in these greater matters are more serious in front of Allah…

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Verily a man shall utter a word which he thinks of little consequence, and fall headlong into the Fire for it a distance of seventy years” (Al-Haakim).

O Allah! I seek refuge in You from commanding the evil and forbidding the good!

—an excerpt of “PAIN. From the Journal of Umm Zakiyyah"

Read full eBook: ummzakiyyah.com/product/pain
honestly speaking, you are among the few people i know who feels a positive way about hijaab. ashaming but true


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honestly speaking, you are among the few people i know who feels a positive way about hijaab. ashaming but true
And tbh majority is never a gauge for something being right or good.. And human intellect is limited... Allah's is unlimited.. So if Allah s.w.t commands something.. Its wise for us to take heed..
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And tbh majority is never a gauge for something being right or good.. And human intellect is limited... Allah's is unlimited.. So if Allah s.w.t commands something.. Its wise for us to take heed..
True and thats fact has me doing exactly how he wants. Hurts to hear people say all sorts of stuff but Hey! I m not the one suffering they are


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Assalamoalaikum wr wb, came across this amazing piece:

Just how beautiful you will find the Arabic Language.
Makes your heart feel this sense of awe, love and peace. So much more.
Even when casually looking at a sentence I've read time and time again, then all of a sudden, when i read it again, somehow i feel something which i didn't think, and most importantly, didn't FEEL before.
Qur'an is not only a recital, it is a connection to our All loving creator.
Only through the Arabic Language, can you taste the Qur'an for yourself, and feel it.
Something so simple.
I just read "إِنَّكَ سَمِيْعُ الدُّعَاءِ"
You'd see it translated as "Indeed you (Allah) are the hearer of the supplication"
As i mentioned, i was just casually passing by this Aayah, and then I just thought the word سَمِيْعُ is an 'Ism Sifah.'
What that means is, not only is Allah a hearer and listener to our supplications,
Rather, much much more beautiful than that.
He is constantly, perpetually, always listening and hearing them.
The Ism Sifah suggests a consistent state.
So make your du'as now, Allah, the almighty is right here... listening to whatever you ask, whenever you ask. Be in constant conversation with your master.
One more thing, Allah mentions الدُّعَاءِ "The Call/supplication"
That is to say, Allah isn't saying he is ever listening to any and every Du'a, but by having the ال on the word suggests exclusiivity.
In other words, Allah doesn't treat it as 'just something, just another du'a', Allah specifies each of your Du'as.
Every du'a you make is THE Du'a to Allah.
Each of them holds great importance to Allah. Your Du'as are well known and he is well acquainted with it.
Your Du'as are special to Allah! You have Allahs full attention!