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Recent content by johnhodges

  1. J

    Help me out!!

    I think it is not published.
  2. J

    IGCSE French Listening

    Get recordings of listening exams (ask your teacher, mine gave me some) put on your MP3, listen to on the way to and from school this really helped me a lot. Good luck. :) French essay help
  3. J

    Problems in IELTS Exam

    The better way to pass the IELTS test is having as much knowledge of English as posible, the test is cut in 4 steps step 1- listening, you will listen a conversation from somebody in English (it could be British or Australian accent) then you will be asked to respond a serie of questions...
  4. J

    Which is better for CA?

    Yea. PAC is comparatively better.
  5. J

    FAST entry test?

    Get a blank piece of paper and outline the material you need to study. This helps develop a "big picture" overview of the material. Start with big topics and leave room for subtopics. Fill in the information as best as you can. Get another sheet of paper and start over if necessary. Once you...
  6. J

    Inspirational stories

    It had been a tiring day. There were four of us in the car - and we were talking about a challenging situation that had come up at work. The bank would not give us a loan that we seriously needed to continue our business. Frankly speaking the very survival of our company was at stake. We knew we...
  7. J

    wen ur sad

    I used to hear soft music, when i feel sad. It is really a great relief for me.
  8. J

    Why there is pain and Suffering?

    This is the world man made. God made His world, then man messed it up (along with Satan and with Satan's help). God talked about the world He makes. Animals aren't afraid of us, they don't attack each other. There are no wars. There is no sickness, or any other bad thing. Everyone lives...
  9. J

    Help needed immediately:Hindi songs

    Actually i dont know about the hindi songs, but i think it is available in google.
  10. J


    Thank you prince, and wishes for you too.
  11. J


    Its a bit mushy but what works for me is to give 100% in everything you do. If you do this the rewards you get in life are endless in every aspect & you will always be excited! All the best!
  12. J

    French essay

    When you have to write a french essays, posting the instructions online, and asking other people to do it for you is cheating.
  13. J

    Going for Engineering? Need help in choosing the uni?

    Try getting into any IIT college. Once you have your Bachelor's from there, you can get your master's from any good US college, or you can do IIM.
  14. J

    is it good?

    Yes of course. go ahead!! good luck. :)